MAFS’ Jake And Beck Had A Very Public Tiff About Going To Star Bar & I’m Team Whoever Said No

beck jake mafs

If you thought for even a second that MAFS couple Jake Edwards and Rebecca Zemek had a chance together post-show, it’s time to maybe reconsider that stance. The two have been spotted having a massive tiff in Sydney, pretty much confirming that they’re doneso.

Daily Mail has captured footage of Jake and Beck fighting about going to Sidebar, which is typical for straight folk galavanting Sydney on a night out.

The couple were joined by fellow contestants Sam Carraro, Beth Moore and Booka Mile for a night out, and can be seen leaving 3 Wise Monkeys pub on George Street in Daily Mail’s exclusive pics.

In the video, you can hear Beck tell Jake to “fuck off,” before arguing with him about where the group is heading off to next.

“I’ve told you where we are going. I’ve told everyone we’re going to Side Bar,” says Rebecca.

“‘I’m going to go to go wherever you want to go,” says Jake.

“You were like ‘I don’t care where you were going’. Okay, we’ll go to Side Bar for fuck’s sake.”

Meanwhile, you can hear Beth trying to deescalate the situation, by saying:

“You guys stop arguing, there are cameras here.”

The footage then ends with the group walking off to their destination (presumably Side Bar) with Jake storming off ahead, and Booka telling the squad that it’s only “700 metres away.”

“They were both snappy with each other all night,” a source told the Daily Mail.

“The cast was just looking around confused, not knowing what was going on with them.”

For those of you wondering if Jake and Beck made it after the show, the answer is a 100% hell fucking no.

Sure this little tiff doesn’t exactly close the lid on the idea that the pair are still together, but the fact that Jake hasn’t been shy about the new girl he’s dating kinda does. Yep, it’s pretty much confirmed that Jake is now dating personal trainer and influencer Sophie Guidolin.

She’s been posting some sneaky pics with him on her Insta story, including this one right here which shows off Jake’s tats.

sophie guidolin
Instagram: @sophie_guidolin.

Another hint that the pair are dating is the fact that when Sophie was asked a couple of Insta questions on her birthday, she answered one about her favourite gift that she has received, and her answer was “I can’t say yet, but I will in a couple of days”.

Probs means she’s waiting for the show to officially wrap up, reunion and all.

Well, after all this I need to lay down. This year’s MAFS has so much fkn drama.


