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Gregory Wilson LIVE 2: Things I actually carry and use (Penguin LIVE)

One of the most creative and versatile magicians in the world came back to Penguin for a record breaking 5-HOUR lecture! SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
Price: $29.95
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"I love to be fooled—Gregory Wilson always obliges!" -Harry Lorayne

"Gregory Wilson always has the serious goods. When he puts out one of his workers, it would be hard to exaggerate its stone cold value." -Paul Harris

"Gregory Wilson delivers the full package—world class talent, charm and enough performance chops to stand out in any line up!" -Michael Ammar

"Start with world class sleight-of-hand, misdirection, routining, patter, and presentation, then mix in creativity, charm and lightning speed wit. You've now got a recipe for Gregory Wilson. Don't feel bad, I'm jealous too!" -John Kennedy

"Gregory Wilson is one of the very best when it comes to hard-core, knuckle-busting sleight of hand. He can do it all. Clearly, one of the most talented performers anytime, anywhere." -Dean Dill

"A brilliant magician! A superb performer! A very funny guy! Charming! Good looking! Cool! Sophisticated! I hate him!" -Wayne Dobson

"Gregory Wilson is an entertainer of heightened consciousness - a magnetic mixture of Malini, Machiavelli, and Merlin, who makes the Twilight Zone a mere fun-house ride." -Jon Racherbaumer

"Gregory Wilson is a bottomless well of ideas, lines and tricks. I love the way he thinks about his magic. His enthusiasm when performing is absolutely infectious. He is one of magic's treasures." -Doc Eason

"Gregory, your magic, creativity and delivery are so darned good that no quote would do justice to it. I'm speechless—something that never happens to you." -Roberto Giobbi

Back by popular demand!

Gregory Wilson returns to Penguin Live to show you why he has a reputation as one of the most creative, versatile, and entertaining magicians in the world.

His first time here he delivered over four hours of fantastic, hard-hitting, action-packed routines which is exactly what we've come to expect from this two-time FISM Award-Winning performer!

And now, he's back, and his mission is simple: To share with you professional routines that are cool, clever, and cutting edge.

Gregory Wilson is a bottomless well of ideas, lines and tricks. He's a master of sleight-of-hand, misdirection, routining, and presentation, mixed with creativity, charm and lightning speed wit. He can do it all... and he can teach it all to you.

You'll love the way he thinks about his magic. His enthusiasm is absolutely infectious, and he is one of the very best when it comes to hard-core, knuckle-busting sleight of hand.

He'll also talk a lot about using natural props, direct methods and compelling presentations. It's these criteria that shape his professional repertoire and help him determine what he share with you.

You can look forward to an arsenal of ideas that run the gamut from beginner to expert level and cover a wide variety of genres.

You'll be treated to streamlined handlings, natural performances, new presentations with greater impact, new applications of ingenious moves, masterful misdirection, and the playful charm we've come to know and love.

Tune in here, to Penguin Live, to see why Gregory Wilson has amassed a corporate client base that reads like a Who's Who of the Fortune 500 and why he has been personally requested to perform and lecture in over 40 countries and 1,000 cities around the world.

Greg lives and breathes magic and has the personal and professional experience that will add to YOUR experience.

Gregory Wilson is one of the best magicians ever. Period.

What will he teach?

  • Neat Freak Bill Trick
  • Coin Under Watch
  • Blank Deck Routine
  • and transpo
  • Missing Dollar Swindle
  • Silver Dollar Trick (New)
  • Slot Machine Idea
  • Basic Ring and Strong Routine from Ring Leader
  • Cards to Pocket
  • Recap Revisited

Who is he?

Gregory Wilson is a two-time FISM award-winner and probably most known for his best-selling instructional videos. In 1998, he was also bestowed (by the International Brotherhood of Magicians) the Most Creative Magician of the Year Award.

What you're going to experience from this lecture are a wide array of hard-hitting, action-packed routines directly from Greg's professional repertoire.

He has contributed many of his original effects to every major magic magazine in the world as well as a full chapter in Paul Harris' The Art of Astonishment, a chapter in Harry Lorayne's Best of Friends 3, a chapter in The Magic Menu and a chapter in the wildly popular Magic For Dummies. (Just don't hold that last one against him).

Over the last twenty years, Greg has amassed a corporate client base that reads like a Who's Who of the Fortune 500. He also performs at lavish private parties and did a one-year run performing his "criminal act" at a top casino/resort in Lake Tahoe.

Finally, Greg has performed and lectured in over 40 countries and 1,000 cities, giving him the experience to add to your own personal experience.

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Customer Reviews (showing 1 - 10 of 27)
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Entertaining but... Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on January 13th, 2014
Very very entertaining. Five stars for that.
But this wasn't five hours jam packed with magic. It was a lot of screwing around (which I enjoyed). In terms of lessons in theory, techniques and tricks, it was largely a repeat of the last lecture.
A different presentation of Exact Chance than last time. Sure. But so much repetition. A new handling for his ring stretching prop that still isn't even on the market yet.
The story of his celebrity ex girlfriend. A a revisit to his cutlery routine, sans props...
Mention of Tagged and how he did it last time -- but of course he performed it but didn't teach it (granted most magicians would be on top of that) -- and so he wouldn't touch on it this time.
Point is, if you've seen his other (incredible, amazing) lecture on penguin, and want more than just entertainment, you won't get much here.
Because of the entertainment factor (and Britainy.... Adorable), I feel I got my money's worth. As a customer though, I do feel ripped off at the unprofessionalism of both Wilson and Penguin for not reviewing the previous lecture's content before this. Frankly, penguin should feel ripped off.
25 of 29 magicians found this helpful.
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More of the same Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on January 14th, 2014
Greg Wilson is one of those performers with so much experience, so many stories, and creative ideas, that you could watch him forever and continue to learn and be entertained. That being said, my friend and I were a little disappointed that most of the material was a recap of the last lecture or items retaught from the great "off the Cuff"/"On the Spot" volumes. This wouldn't really be a problem if it weren't for the advertising page stating 8 or 9 items that only two of which were ever touched upon. Gregory is brilliant, but with the exception of his blank deck routine, the material is more of the same.
If you are familiar with Greg's stuff and wondering which lecture you should purchase, lecture 1 is off the charts.
13 of 16 magicians found this helpful.
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LIVE 1 vs. LIVE 2 Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on August 18th, 2016
Gregory Wilson is one of my favorites, and I own a lot of his DVDs. Taken on its own, LIVE 2 is five stars, as it's full of tricks and Greg being Greg. However, if you've seen LIVE 1, you're not getting a whole lot of new stuff here. The majority of the tricks were in LIVE 1, and even some of the same stories.

Here's what's *new* in LIVE 2:

- smoke trick with an invisible cigarette
- some tricks with a bottle cap/beer bottle
- a brilliant mentalist trick with an iPhone calculator
- lime in a bottle (done with a coin, but he explains the lime trick)
- various methods for false shuffles/double lifts
- blank deck routine with a signed card
- basic method for calling coin flips
- flash pen coin vanish
- a simple "finger through spectator's shirt" trick/gag (no explanation, but it's obvious)

Aside from those, there are some tricks that were not in LIVE 1, but are from his other DVDs (mostly old stuff, but there's a different trick from Coffee House Conjuring).

I consider LIVE 1 a *must own*, so I definitely recommend that first. Is this one worth the money? I have no regrets, as I love Greg, and this is still entertaining and hilarious despite the repeats. I will definitely be using the Calculator routine (easy to do, but brilliant). But if you're not a huge fan, I'd skip it and stick with LIVE 1.
6 of 6 magicians found this helpful.
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Not new-- but fun Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on February 4th, 2014
It's hard to separate the entertainment from the education.
I enjoyed the show-- but "the touches" weren't enough to make it a worthy investment.

I highly recommend any of Wilson's DVD's... or better yet start with his first lecture and if you like what you see-- then go more in depth with the DVDs on the effects you liked.
5 of 6 magicians found this helpful.
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great one Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on January 19th, 2014
I haven't heard the first lecture on Penguin so I can't compare. I was really looking forward this lecture. I admire Greg for his very nice entertaining style of performance. Well surely he didn't show a whole lot of effects, but as someone mentioned above - it's in between the effects where you can get inspiration from. what i personally liked i guess the most was the smoke effect. it's just so great.

But there was so many little things that one could get inspiration from that i just liked the whole lecture.

Thank you Penguin for bringing Greg again.
3 of 3 magicians found this helpful.
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Greg breathes magic Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on February 18th, 2014
Yes, like other people noticed, Greg showed a lot of these tricks in the first lecture.
Nevertheless he is one of the best impromptu performers out there. Watch him closely and learn all the little nuances and details of his misdirection, see how he astonishes even the most critical spectators even when he gets caught (by constantly changing methods) and how he keeps pushing the edge of what is possible to perform.
And despite his great talent and skills he is one of the most likeable and humble magicians you will ever come across. 5 stars deluxe!
5 of 8 magicians found this helpful.
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false advertising and hardly funny Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on January 26th, 2014
If you are looking for an entertaining and funny lecture look somewhere else. The lecture went for five hours and it was filled mostly with non funny stories and useless lessons. The lecture was just stretched out to five hours when it was really worth about 30 minitutes. The trickes that he performed look good however he made no expiation. The smoke trick looked great on the trailer however you will need to get smoke by Allan rorrison if you want that effect. The lecture was an utter disappointment and I felt cheated, If you want and actual funny entertaining yet educational lecture go and buy David Williamsons or Scott Alexanders .
8 of 15 magicians found this helpful.
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Read :) Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on January 15th, 2014

Do not take the sort of negative review above. Let me break it down for you. 25$ are buying you not only tricks, no. Its FIVE HOURS filled with joy, lots of laugher, great magic, theory, tips, stories and just GREG. I will talk about the actual tricks first, you get lot's of great material here. E.g the smoke trick, its brilliant, you can carry it with you everywhere, let alone worth those 25 bucks. Recapped revisited, greg thought it was an ancient trick for the new magicians and taught it, and I am so glad he did, it is a brilliant pen trick you can do ANYWHERE. There was much more. He taught quite a few tricks from the past lecture also. There was stuff like the bending ring, you migt borrow a spectator's ring, STRECH IT like rubber, squeeze and give it back. Surreal. Also, the Silverware swindle, a spoon, knife and fork monte, it is a brilliant thing, he taught it in the previous lecture and here he mentioned releasing it. Loads more to talk about tricks, but Iwill skip. The actual 5 hours of Gregory Wilson I would have payed 50 $ or even more to see, it is hilarious, I mean forget the lecture and tricks. You get to witness Greg Showing his top notch stuff, the performances and stories he tells are just awsome, it is funny, interesting, informative, useful, AMAZING. BEST PENGUIN LIVE. I got much more than I expceted, apart from a few tricks I use RIGHT now TODAY, I got an amazing show. You WILL love this.
4 of 7 magicians found this helpful.
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meh Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on January 29th, 2014
A lot of messing around but little new magic. A lot of repeated stuff and old stuff ,good stuff, but not new if you are familiar with Greg's work. Paper balls over the head segment is worth watching. (Note: If you have never heard of Gregory Willson change my review to 5 stars)
3 of 5 magicians found this helpful.
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Massive Lecture!! Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on January 13th, 2014
Really strong practical material by tons!! Lots of new effects, subtleties and advice you can't get elsewhere! You just can't go wrong with Gregory Wilson.
2 of 3 magicians found this helpful.
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