Not all Pennsylvania moths are drab tan and gray. Take a look

Many moths are the expected dull, flat tan, brown and gray. But Pennsylvania is home to some that are brightly colored and patterned. Here are 17 beauties.

Rosy maple moth

Rosy maple moth

Rosy maple moth

Dryocampa rubicunda

Wingspan: 1.25-2.25 inches.

Host plants for caterpillar: Maple, oak.

Habitat: Deciduous forests.

Conservation needs Globally secure; occasional population explosions, with defoliation of host trees.

Scarlet-winged lichen moth

Scarlet-winged lichen moth

Scarlet-winged lichen moth

Hypoprepia miniate

Wingspan: .5-.75 inches.

Host plants for caterpillar: Lichens.

Habitat: Woodlands, especially coniferous.

Conservation needs: Globally secure.

Luna moth

Luna moth

Luna moth

Actias luna

Wingspan: 2.75-4.25 inches.

Host plants for caterpillar: Including birch, hickory, persimmon, sumac, sweet gun, walnut.

Habitat: Deciduous forests and nearby.

Conservation need: Secure globally.

Cecropia moth

Cecropia moth

Cecropia moth

Hyalophora cecropia

Wingspan: 4.75-5.76 inches.

Host plants for caterpillar: Including alder, apple, birch, box elder, cherry, dogwood, plum, sugar maple, willow.

Habitat: Successional habitats, including urban and suburban.

Conservation need: Secure globally.

Io moth

Io moth

Io moth

Automeris io

Wingspan: 2.25-3.25 inches.

Host pants for caterpillar: Including blackberry, currant, hackberry, pear, redbud, willow.

Habitat: Deciduous forests, suburban areas.

Conservation need: Secure globally.

Virgin tiger moth

Virgin tiger moth

Virgin tiger moth

Grammia virgo

Wingspan: 1.25-2 inches.

Host plants for caterpillar: Wide range of plants.

Habitat: Woodlands, suburban.

Conservation need: Secure globally.

Eight-spotted forester

Eight-spotted forester

Eight-spotted Forester

Alypia octomaculata

Wingspan: 1.25-1.5 inches.

Host plants for caterpillar: Grape, Virginia creeper.

Habitat: Woodlands.

Conservation need: Secure globally; can be an agricultural pest.

Obtuse yellow

Obtuse yellow

Obtuse yellow

Azenia obtuse

Wingspan: .5 inches.

Host plants for caterpillar: Not confirmed.

Habitat: Woodlands, meadows.

Conservation need: Uncommon species.

Polyphemus moth

Polyphemus moth

Polyphemus moth

Antheraea polyphemus

Wingspan: 4-5.75 inches.

Host plants for caterpillar: Including birch, maple, oak, willow.

Habitat: Woodlands, wetlands, suburban, urban, orchards.

Conservation need: Secure globally; can be an agricultural pest.

Great tiger moth

Great tiger moth

Great tiger moth

Ihinia florida

Wingspan: 1-1.5 inches.

Host plants for caterpillar: Evening primrose.

Habitat: Grassland.

Conservation need: Globally secure.

Primrose moth

Primrose moth

Primrose moth

Schinia florida

Wingspan: 1-1.5 inches.

Host plants for caterpillar: Evening primrose.

Habitat: Grassland.

Conservation need: Globally secure.

False crocus geometer moth

False crocus geometer moth

False crocus geometer moth

Xanthotype urticaria

Wingspan: 1.25-1.5 inches.

Host plants for caterpillar: Wide ranging, including catnip, dogwood, goldenrod, ground ivy, rhododendron.

Conservation need: Globally secure.

Showy emerald

Showy emerald

Showy emerald

Dichorda iridaria

Wingspan: .75-1.25 inches.

Host plants for caterpillar: Poison ivy, sumac.

Habitat: Woodland edges, grasslands.

Conservation need: Globally secure.

Ailanthus webworm moth

Ailanthus webworm moth

Ailanthus webworm moth

Atteva aurea

Wingspan: .75 to 1.5 inches.

Host plants for caterpillar: Ailanthus, paradise tree.

Habitat: Woodland edges, suburban, urban.

Conservation need: Globally secure.

Achemon sphinx moth

Achemon sphinx moth

Achemon sphinx

Eumorpha achemon

Wingspan: 3.25-3.755 inches.

Host plants for caterpillar: Ampelopsis, grape.

Habitat: Woodlands, scrublands, suburban.

Conservation need: Globally secure; can be pests in vineyards.

Great leopard moth

Great leopard moth

Great leopard moth

Hypercompe scribonia

Wingspan: 2.25-3.5 inches.

Host plants for caterpillar: Wide variety, including cabbage, cherry, dandelion, maple, sunflower, violet, willow.

Habitat: Woodlands, agricultural areas, suburban.

Conservation need: Globally secure.

Imperial moth

Imperial moth

Imperial moth

Eacles imperialis

Wingspan: 3.25-7 inches.

Host plants for caterpillar: Variety of trees and shrubs, including box elder, maple, oak, pine, sassafras, sweet gum.

Habitat: Forests.

Conservation need: Globally secure.

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