UV Laser Designed For 24/7 Operation

Spectra-Physics’ Talon, a family of UV and green Q-switched diode-pumped solid-state (DPSS) lasers, is designed for rugged and reliable 24/7 operation for years. The laser delivers enhanced performance: >12 W UV power, >240 µJ pulse energy, wide repetition rate range of 0 to 500 kHz, and excellent beam profile and stability. The laser enables new micromachining applications that require low cost-of-ownership with no compromise in performance. It is ideal for applications such as PCB cutting and drilling, semiconductor, LED and ceramic scribing, thin-film patterning of ITO and solar cells, and glass cutting and drilling. Available in >12 and >6 W UV and >20 W green versions, the unit combines its power supply and laser head into a single rugged package, making it easy to integrate into machine tools and onto gantry systems. Incorporating long-life components and state-of-the-art UV manufacturing processes, the laser has passed extensive environmental qualification testing. Each laser is subjected to rigorous production tests to ensure high reliability for operation in demanding 24/7 applications.
Source: Spectra-Physics