Fast Facts
Fast Facts
Our Students
- 835 students in grades PK2 to 12.
- 15 countries represented in our student body
- 22 percent diversity in our student body
- 72 percent High School student participation on Varsity or Junior Varsity athletic teams
- 84 percent student participation in Fine or Performing Arts
Our Academics
- 14 - Average Class Size
- 9:1 - Student/Teacher Ratio in Lower School
- 15:1 - Student/Teacher Ratio in Upper School
- 59 percent of faculty with advanced degrees
- 16 years of average teaching experience held by Pinewood Preparatory School teachers
- 15 Advanced Placement (AP) courses offered; 82% pass rate with 101 students taking 194 tests (2024)
Our Activities
- 35 Varsity and Junior Varsity athletic teams
- 30 academic teams and student organizations
- Nationally and internationally recognized theatre program
- Community service required for graduation
- Leadership Institute Program required for graduation
Our Accreditation and Memberships
Pinewood is accredited by the following organizations:
Southern Association of Independent Schools (SAIS)
South Carolina Independent School Association (SCISA)
South Carolina Early Childhood Association (SCECA)
National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS)