5 Math Fairy Tale Activities Preschoolers Think Are the Fairest in the Land - Turner Tots
This preschool activity is exactly what you need for your math centers during your fairy tale preschool theme. This math game is to help preschoolers, pre-k, and kindergarteners work on counting and one-to-one correspondence. This is an engaging and hands-on fairy tale activity for kids! This Stone Soup book activity is a low-prep math activity that can be used in the fairy tale sensory bin or with small groups during a fairy tale theme.
Fun and Hands-On Number Sense Activities to Boost Kids' Math Skills
Here is the ultimate spot for teachers to find math tips and strategies for building number sense to 20 in Kindergarten and first grade. An extensive list of number sense activities and resources are included: books, materials, math manipulatives, and FREE activities you can access today!