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How To Create a Digital Planner in GoodNotes Free
How To Make A Planner With GoodNotes for Free — iPad Planner
How To Create a Digital Planner in GoodNotes Free
How To Make A Planner With GoodNotes for Free — iPad Planner
How To Create a Digital Planner in GoodNotes Free
How To Make A Planner With GoodNotes for Free — iPad Planner
How To Create a Digital Planner in GoodNotes Free
How To Make A Planner With GoodNotes for Free — iPad Planner
How To Create a Digital Planner in GoodNotes Free
How To Make A Planner With GoodNotes for Free — iPad Planner
How To Create a Digital Planner in GoodNotes Free
How To Make A Planner With GoodNotes for Free — iPad Planner
How To Create a Digital Planner in GoodNotes Free
How To Make A Planner With GoodNotes for Free — iPad Planner
How To Create a Digital Planner in GoodNotes Free
Thinking of how to make a free digital planner using GoodNotes and make hyperlinks in it. I'll tell you what is possible and what is not. We'll need Goodnotes 5 and patience. Begin 1. Create a quick note In GoodNotes, you can find different page template for the Monthly page and the Weekly page. 2. Push Change Template Scroll down and select Monthly Page Template. There are two options - on a white sheet and on a yellowish one that looks like real paper We create another page.