Perennials for shade and acidic soil

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March 2011 – Ottawa Garden Design
Hostas in a pot: every spring they return, in the pot! Add geraniums and ivy for a fuller look. Beautiful front porch addition
Planting the Dry Shade Garden: The Best Plants for the Toughest Spot in Your Garden
Planting the Dry Shade Garden
Search results for: 'be inspired plants 2462 alice oakleaf hydrangea.php'
Alice Oakleaf Hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia 'Alice') - Monrovia - Alice Oakleaf Hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia 'Alice')
There are many beautiful acid loving flowers like roses and other plants that loves acidic soil. Acid loving flowers and plants needs to be planted... domain name is for sale. Inquire now.
Free hydrangeas! How to grow hydrangeas from pieces you cut off.
Brunnera Looking Glass | Bluestone Perennials
Brunnera macrophylla Looking Glass False Forget Me Not
Anemone apennina
RHS Plant Selector Anemone apennina.Grow in moist but well-drained humus-rich soil in sun or part shade. Drier conditions are tolerated in summer when dormant. Ideal for naturalising in a variety of situations.Propagation Propagate by seed sown thinly as soon as they are ripe. Divide when dormant or as the leaves die down. Cut rhizomes into sections with at least one bud and replant immediately before they dry out. Full sun to partial shade. Hardy (average english winter)
Aquilegia bertolonii
RHS Plant Selector Aquilegia bertolonii, Full sun to Part shade, Grow in fertile, moist but well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade. Soil Moist but well-drained Acid, Alkaline or Neutral. Propagate by seed sown in pots in a cold frame as soon as seed is ripe or in spring. Suggested planting locations and garden types: Flower borders and beds, Rock Garden or Cottage/Informal Garden
Symphyotrichum novi-belgii 'Jenny'
RHS Plant Selector Aster novi-belgii 'Jenny' . Grow in well-cultivated, fertile, moist soil in sun or partial shade. Soil - Moist but well-drained, Acid, Alkaline or Neutral, Loam, Chalk, Sand or Clay. Propagate by division in spring; division every third year to maintain vigour. Hardy (english H4)