Salvia hispanica

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Graines de Salvia hispanica - Chia - Boutique Végétale
Salvia mexicana x hispanica 'Byron Flint' - Mexican Sage
Salvia mexicana x hispanica 'Byron Flint' - Mexican Sage
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CHIA (Salvia hispanica) is an annual herb, a bushy Mexican native that produces seed which has been made into an energizing drink since the time of the Aztecs. The name is derived from the Aztec "chian" meaning oily. Chia was so valuable to the Aztecs that it was used as tribute and to pay taxes. It was considered one of the three most valuable food -- the other two being corn and beans.
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Maravillosa forma de hacer una planta de lavanda con semillas de chia (Salvia hispanica). Gracias por compartirlo.
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Chia Plant Seeds, An Ancient Superfood (Salvia hispanica) Grow Your Own Organic Chia !
Good morning ! New Year, New work:) Beside painting cakes, flowers are my favourite things to paint! In the next couple weeks I will share the rest of my flower alphabet. Prints will be available to buy soon. So please stay tuned. Hope everyone has a lovely day!
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Salvia Hispanica, foliis ovatis, petiolis utrinque mucronatis; species imbricatis, calycibus trisidis = Chia Americana. [Chia Sage]