ED 312 School Of Respect

representation of a school operating at the respect level.
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It's more than just a word--Respect--To get it you have to give it.
Weekly Inspiration: Spring
You must have respect for yourself before you can have respect for your peers.
Creating a Climate of Respect
Five Strategies 1.Create opportunities for group decision making. 2.Democratize the space. When group decision making or student interaction is key to an effort, rearrange the room. 3.Use multidimensional group projects, and vary the composition of the groups which highlights different learning styles and skills. 4.Vary protocols for classroom sharing. Focus on ways for all students to share their ideas. 5.Create conflict around issues.
Creating a Climate of Respect
Respectful schools are, by definition, democratically informed learning environments where people feel safe, supported, engaged, and helpfully challenged. Respect doesn't happen in isolation; it's based in relationships. As we learn and teach, we are—or are not—respectful in the context of our social, emotional, civic, and intellectual interactions.
How to swag your tree - definitely worth the 3 minutes it takes to watch.
Definitely worth the 5-10 minutes it takes to read this! Educational Leadership - May 2013 - Page 24
Al volante no te estreses #infografia #infogrpahic #health - TICs y Formación
In a respectful school there would be acceptance of other cultures and languages and an emphasis on learning languages and cultural differences to aid in the classroom
If we want to obtain a respectful school we must respect the dreams and goals of our students rather than use symbolic violence against them!
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While this is obviously meant to be funny, it is a sad truth. We can use things such as differentiated instruction and SIOP to use individual learning for our students. By individual ozone instruction we are respecting the nature of our students and the knowledge they need.
Sunday School Ideas - An Ice-Breaker Game - Christianity Cove
A respectful school promotes an inclusive classroom culture. One of the thing we need to build is community. This bridges relationships and cultural gaps and allows respectful learning to take place!
The Internet's Most Asked Questions
Teachers need to differentiate their curriculum and make in engaging for their students. This will help their teaching become pervasive and will challenge them to think more deeply.
The Internet's Most Asked Questions
We as teachers need to see students as students, not as the stereotype that they fit into. We are all unique individuals who should not be judged against a static, phony stereotype.