
Mythical creatures
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Manticore. “The Manticore is a Persian monster whose name means “Man-eater”, it has the body of a red lion, a human head with three rows of sharp teeth and a trumpet-like voice. Other aspects of the creature vary from story to story. It may be horned, winged, or both. The tail is that of either a dragon or a scorpion, and it shoots poisonous spines to paralyse and kill its victims. It devours its prey whole and leaves no clothes, bones, or possessions of the prey behind.”
The manticore is a creature that reassebles the Sphinx as it also possessed the body of a lion and the head of a human. The manticore started as a Persian mythology creature but was later reflected in the Greek mythology. Due to the many versions of how the creature looks, the manticore might be depicted as having wings and/or having a scorpion tail.
The Manticore is a monstrous body of Lion, human head and bat wings, originally being of Persian mythology. His head is that of a human being, with a beard, dense leonina hair and a very sharp teeth. The wings are of a huge bat and the rest of his body is that of a giant Lion except the tail, the final part of which is topped by a very similar with poisonous spikes and the Scorpion Stinger. They are matched for life and care for their offspring.