Field Spaniel

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Set Of 10 English Field Springer Spaniel Note by CrimsonHollow, $8.00
American Water Spaniel Dog Breed Information
American Water Spaniel - The American Water Spaniel developed primarily in the Great Lakes region of the United States in the mid 1800's, with ancestors that include the Irish Water Spaniel and Curly-Coated Retriever. They were the first breed developed in this country as an all-around hunter that could retrieve from boats. Breed enthusiasts kept the AWS out of the show ring for a short time in fear of ruining his reputation as a hunter, but the breed became recognized by the AKC in 1940.
Bath Time - King Charles Spaniel by Edward Fielding
King Charles Spaniel; photo by Edward Fielding
Gallery - Your Pet Photos - Robert Smith
Here is Tubby. Tubby is a field working spaniel. What a great picture Robert. Tubby only has one eye due to having a cataract since birth. What a brave dog. :: Pet Not Found
Bella its a female, field spaniel mix. She was taken to the shelter because of too much energy. She's good with kids and other doggies
Sally, my Field Spaniel, is loving this windy Saturday - out for a run in an empty horse paddock.
Daily Dog Breed from The DOG Table is the Field Spaniel from the Sporting Group Artisan made Field Spaniel metal garden art stake only $29.95 plus shipping. 60 plus breed specific figures ready to ship in my store.
Haute dog fashion show
Alex, a Field Spaniel, is dressed in a jacket made of Fortuny fabric at the Haute Dog SF fashion show.