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PECS for Autism | Speech Therapy Phases and Strategies
Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) - What is the Picture Exchange Communication System? The Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) is a systematic way to teach a child how to communicate with someone else by handing them a picture of what they want. This program was originally designed for children with autism but can be used for other non-verbal children as well. This program is intended to provide an alternative means of communication for a child who is unable to speak.
How Do I Feel Interactive Board Autism PECS and ABA Visual Aid - Etsy
How Do I Feel Interactive Board Autism PECS and by TheAutismShop, $10.00
Visual Tools
Downloadable Visual Cues, Picture Cards, Schedules, Token Boards
Special Education Classroom Daily Schedule- Morning Fitness and Morning Meeting » Autism Adventures
The Autism Adventures of Room 83: Special Education Classroom Daily Schedule- Morning Fitness and Morning Meeting
Picture Cards Bundle Sample FREE | Communication Cards | Autism Visual Aids
FREE!!! PECS Bundle Sample #FREE #PECS , for more resources follow
Personalizing Communication Supports for Individual Success
Using Language Supports for Non-Verbal Children Repinned by SOS Inc. Resources. Follow all our boards at for therapy resources.
Communication Functions for AAC Users
Speechy Musings: Save yourself some time!! Check out my Interactive Visuals for Commenting, Asking, and Answering Questions!!
This item is unavailable - Etsy
Autism PECS Communication Book My PECS Starter by TheAutismShop
Homemade PECS book. Just cut off bottom of the top page of the binder to use as sentence strip. Works well and holds together well. Much cheaper than buying them and not hard to make. They hold together very well. Very sturdy.