Data Representation & Visualisation

Lesson ideas and inspiration for the Australian digital technologies learning objectives relating to "representation of data" F-10. See the other boards for more learning objectives!
129 Pins
A great idea for replicating a Google Maps activity of a local area - perhaps a local creek, school etc. Students can then take their images and map the information.
7. Graph Theory and Graphs in Python | Applications
This lesson describes the graph model and how it is used in problem-solving and mathematics. Suitable for older students (Years 7 onwards) or the problem-solving process for moving around the map, over bridges, only once, could be done with middle years (yr 3s +). via
50 Great Examples of Data Visualization | Web Designer Depot
Some great examples of data visualisation.
Whale songs visualized
Whale songs visualised. What other sounds can students visualise?
"What colour is it?" An exploration of Hexidecimal colour, represented through time. For more information see:
Sign in
Jean has students in her classroom sending messages to one another using the Auslan language. Students then decipher messages. A great way to explore different representations of data and encoding and decoding.
100+ Social Media Statistics for 2021
"The Internet in Real-Time". A website resource that collects data about Internet use. Great resource to inspire lessons about data collection & generation, discussion around the use of the Internet, the collection of classroom data from peers and/or ways to represent data.
Ensign International -Apparel Supplier since 1934
The Weather Detective Program. The public can help by uncovering important weather records hidden in the log books of ships that sailed the seas around Australia in the 1890s and 1900s. An example of how technology is used to collect, store and analyse data at scale. Students can also participate.
This startup is cyberstalking your cats to prove how easy it is to extract data from your pics
A startup is cyberstalking your cats to prove how easy it is to extract #metadata from your pics posted online! This could be used as an example for exploring data representation, privacy, or information systems. The article links to the interactive map where you can look for cats in your local area.
Binary Lights
Perrelyn found this interactive binary resource for the CSER google community. Students can see the lights flashing as the binary numbers are counting, they can check the total!
How computers represent and transfer DIGITAL IMAGES
How do computers transfer digital images? Educator, Graeme Adams provides a clear explanation with lesson ideas, tied to the Australian Digital Technologies curriculum.
A binary code video created by #csermooc participant, Vicki! A great video explanation for teachers or students using place value.