Classroom Printables

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Addition Math Games for Addition Fact Practice - Printable and Digital
These printable and digtial addition math games are desgined for fact fluency practice. Great activitiy for 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade. These really get them thinking as they have to create the equations. Forget boring worksheets or drills. These games are fun and can be played over and over. The more they play the faster they become with their facts. Use for the classroom, distance education, homeschool or homework. Ideal for fast finishers, math centers, morning work or Fun Friday math.
Factors Math Games for Factors of Numbers to 100 - Printable and Digital
The games review the concept of factors and practice identifying factors of numbers to 100. These games combine the game of Four in a Row with math practice. There are 4 game boards in this collection. Printable and digital versions are included so these can be used in the classroom or for distance learning. Use for math centers, fast finishers, homework or fun Friday. Ideal for third, fourth or fifth grade. A fun activity that is easy to learn and quick to play.
Tic Tac Toe Subtraction Games for Fact Fluency - Printable and Digital
These games combine the fun of Tic Tac Toe with the practice of basic subtraction facts. This pack includes both color board games and B&W game sheets. Easy to learn and simple to play! Players play like regular Tic Tac Toe but answer the fact before they place a piece. Play over and over to develop subtraction fact fluency. Great for first, second and third grade and can be used in the classroom, home or homeschool or for distance education. There are both printable and digital versions.
Tic Tac Toe Math Games
Tic Tac Toe Math Games for Multiplication facts - these games combine Tic Tac Toe with practice for multiplication facts - use the symbol cards or use counters. Kids love these multiplication games!
Tic Tac Toe Math Games
Tic Tac Toe Math Games Develop their multiplication fact fluency with these Tic Tac Toe math games. There are color board games and also black and white game sheets.
Tic Tac Toe Math Games
Tic Tac Toe Math Games - These Subtraction games are a fun way to develop mastery of subtraction facts. As they play they answer the facts over and over and get faster and faster to recalling their subtraction facts.