18th Century

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Breakfast in the Regency Era and their Definition of Morning
Breakfast in the Regency Era and their Definition of Morning
Look inside a Georgian townhouse
Look inside a Georgian townhouse, a blog post by Sharon Lathan http://sharonlathanauthor.com/look-inside-a-georgian-townhouse
Map of London's Legal Quays (on the north bank) in 1862 Edward Stanford - http://www.mappalondon.com/london/north-east/tower-london-map.htm Location of the quays from Fresh Wharf to Tower Dock Stairs, as indicated in the 1862 Edward Stanford map of London ~ Public Domain
More Secrets of 18th c. Big Hair
Two Nerdy History Girls: More Secrets of 18th c. Big Hair
What's a traveling chariot?
Difference between town carriage, post chaise, etc., Discovering Horse-Drawn Carriages by D. J. Smith, Two Nerdy History Girls
Criminal Injustice
Criminal Injustice in the late 18th century, Jude Knight, English Historical Fiction Authors
The layout of a 19th C coaching inn
Layout of a 19th century coaching inn, Two Nerdy History Girls
Mourning Pictures - An Expression of Grief in the Georgian Era, Portrait of Catherine Lorillard, Laurie Benson's Cozy Drawing Room, The Metropolitan Museum of Art
A Miscellany of Christmas Pies, Puddings and Cakes
A Miscellany of Christmas Pies, Puddings and Cakes, All Things Georgian