Functional Movement - Get Unstuck!

8 Pins
Static Stretching for Flexibility In Weightlifting - Breaking Muscle
Many coaches have written off static stretching from their programs, but you should reconsider adding it to your routine.
How to Erase Pain, Improve Mobility, and Live Better In Your Body w/ Jill Miller - EPISODE 167
My Top Self-Care Moves - Barbell Shrugged
Supine Groin Progressive with Maryann Berry
A Simple Hip and Back Stretch for Chronic Sitters | Breaking Muscle
7 Exercises to Maximize Hand, Wrist, and Forearm Strength - Breaking Muscle
The forearms and wrists allow us to perform the exercises that develop and maximize biceps, triceps, deltoid, chest, and back strength.
Release Your Hip Flexors: Groin Stretch 101
You might think you know this stretch, but with a little fine-tuning, you can take this one to a whole new level.
Simple Tips to Improve Essential Natural Hip Function - Breaking Muscle
Enhancing hip function is the first place I look to make significant gains in my clients’ ability to move better.