A handmade bespoke suit crafted from a legendary flannel fabric made in Italy by Vitale Barberis Canonico. The classic flannel suit is one of the most beloved garments in all of menswear. It has been worn by stylish gentlemen for hundreds of years and is famous for its sturdy drape and super-soft hand feel which provide supreme comfort in cooler temperatures. Hair Canvas, Gray Vest, Flannel Suit, Bespoke Suit, The Gentlemen, Grey Flannel, Grey Vest, Custom Suit, Savile Row

Flannel Suit - Made-to-Measure / Vest / Mid Gray

Product Details
A handmade bespoke suit crafted from a legendary flannel fabric made in Italy by Vitale Barberis Canonico. The classic flannel suit is one of the most beloved garments in all of menswear. It has been worn by stylish gentlemen for hundreds of years and is famous for its sturdy drape and super-soft hand feel which provide supreme comfort in cooler temperatures.
Articles of Style