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My hands are on fire, non stop. Invisible Illness ¥ & Chronic Pain! animated art
orange bubbles
I wish I could have helium and put together a bouque so beautiful at the beach and have the wind not blow!
RSD-CRPS. Chronic illness rsd crps. What life is like with Chronic Pain. Life with CRPS. Pain.RSD/CRPS November Awareness Month. Please stand for the vision of love, and wear orange for the month of November!!! RSD/CRPS is a neurological disease with pain as its first symptom, and skin and muscle dystrophy. It is more painful than childbirth, cancer, and amputation. Don't let those with this disease fight it alone, #standforthevisionoflove. #wearorangeinnovember #mymomisaspoonie @darcyjett
orange bubbles
I wish I could have helium and put together a bouque so beautiful at the beach and have the wind not blow!
Just in case you needed a point of reference....CRPS/RSD