Rocket launchers.

19 Pins
Jobaria Defense System Multiple Cradle Launcher System. Armed with 240 tubes of 102mm and 122mm, this mobile artillery system does the job of 6 older rocket artillery vehicles. A support vehicle is available to travel with and resupply the JDS if all of its 240 rockets are fired. Each JDS comes with an Oshkosh armored 6x6 HET (Heavy Equipment Transport). Jobaria supposedly means “Monster”.
Soviet Katyusha rocket launchers firing, c. 1944. [1258x1005]
Soviet Katyusha rocket launchers firing, c. 1944. [1258x1005]
Rocket launcher T34 Calliope 80th Division
Rocketumblr | SS-1b Scud A Tracked Missile Launcher
A US Calliope rocket launcher fitted to a German Sdkfz251. Interestingly the track(s) are missing…..testing???
Парад самых необычных танков (20 фото) - ЯПлакалъ
T31 Demolition Tank - It was armed with 105 mm howitzer and two 7.2 inch rocket launchers. As far as I know the project was canceled after some tests in Aberdeen in late 1945
Gallery / M4A3 Calliope
M4A3 Sherman with Calliope Rocket Launcher (USA)
Американский танк M4A1 с системой залпового огня Т34 «Каллиопа» во время показательной стрельбы в Италии
American M4A1 tank with the rocket launchers T34 "Calliope" during exponential shooting in Italy
Calliope - Sherman with T-34 rocket launcher system - US Armor & Vehicles | Gallery
Calliope - Sherman with T-34 rocket launcher system
A mighty German "Sturmtiger" with ambush camouflage. Equipped with a 380mm RW 61 rocket launcher L/5.4.
This week in the War, 21–27 July 1941: Karl & Katyusha
The Soviet Katyusha multiple rocket launcher was deployed on the Eastern Front, July 1941.