high performance wood frame wall assemblies

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Designing Superinsulated Walls - GreenBuildingAdvisor
Wall section showing ICF basement wall and double-stud above-grade wall
Sustainability – Making Houses Work
The Arctic Wall is an airtight double-wall system using cellulose insulation and is designed to allow water vapor to diffuse through the wal...
ETW: Wall - Double Stud Wall Construction
High R-Value Wall Assembly-04: Double Stud Wall Construction — Building Science Information
Service Cavities for Wiring and Plumbing - GreenBuildingAdvisor
In Walpole, New Hampshire, Bensonwood Homes is manufacturing wall panels that include an interior service cavity. Bensonwood's OBPlus panelized wall system uses 9 1/2-inch-deep I-studs insulated with R-35 dense-packed cellulose.
Choosing a Cost-Effective Wall System - Fine Homebuilding
larsen truss wall system | Ridge, Colorado, used double-stud walls and raised-heel roof trusses ...
The prefabricated panels are somewhat similar to SIPs, with OSB on the interior (presumably the air barrier), 16” TJIs with cellulose insulation and a fiberboard exterior. A rear ventilated OSB rain screen uses different stains to add a touch of frivolity to the hyper minimal facade. The roof is constructed of the same panels, and a suspended ceiling (thankfully, not ACT) allows for recessed lighting that doesn’t penetrate the air barrier. This is critical in achieving the passivhaus airtigh...
Complexes testés
lignotrend.de German company making passivhaus products. Eg/ External walls with wood supports to avoid cold bridging - any width - then can fill with insulation.
Factory-Built Wall Panels - GreenBuildingAdvisor
The exterior wall of double-stud wall assembly will sit on the foundation. This method provides a pocket for cellulose insulation which protects the exterior of the rim joist.
Larsen Truss -- Superinsulated wall design
Larsen Truss -- Superinsulated wall design - This is how we need to build the house
Windows and Doors in Double-Stud Walls - Fine Homebuilding
To make sure that thick walls don’t prevent exterior doors from opening fully, it’s a good idea to build a frame within a frame. The oversize frame is a 3⁄4-in. plywood box spanning the gap between the inner wall and the outer wall; the inner frame is sized to accommodate a pre-hung door. +++++