Canna Lily Containers

Homestead Gardens Tips & Trends
Plants in this large Mexican-style pot include Lantana ‘Pot of Gold’, a chartreuse sweet potato vine, a couple of Angelonia ‘Serena Purple’ and for the “thriller” in this collection, a Canna ‘Emerald Sunset’ -
7 Tropical Bulbs for a Summer Garden That Wows
Dig up and store tropical bulbs: Wait until the first frost kills off the leaves and promptly lift them out of the ground, taking care not to damage the rhizomes, tubers or corms. Rinse off the soil, let them dry off in a dark place and store them in a container of shredded newspaper, vermiculite or sawdust. Shoe boxes, plastic containers and paper bags all work well. Spray them with a fungicide if desired and keep them in a cool, dark place until spring.
Create a summery, heat tolerant container garden using canna lilies, red ixora, and marbled pothos | Video tutorial |
Endowment Estate - Traditional - Landscape - Vancouver - by Pot Incorporated | Houzz
Create eye catching drama in the garden with a canna lily. This tall, slender plant lends vertical interest to a container garden.
Home - Tar Heel Gardening
Gorgeous container showcasing purple heuchera, Prince of Orange philodendron, caladium, fern, begonia, and canna lily.
Yummy container garden with peachy heuchera, burgundy canna lily, blue-eyed grass, and what may be a funky type of farfugium. Part of what makes it work is the bright green glazed pot contrasting with the plants.