Irish Insects

My photos of Irish insects
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The click beetle Ctenicera cuprea (male), Clooncoose, June 2021.
The solitary bee Lasioglossum leucopus, Bunakippaun Wood, Attyslany, July 2021.
The solitary bee Andrena Wilkella, Grave of the Yellow Men, June 2021.
Rose chafer, Cetonia aurata, in flight, Bunakippaun Wood, Attyslany, July 2021.
The ichneumon Cratichneumon coruscator, Bunakippaun Wood, Attyslany, July 2019.
Dark-winged blood bee, Sphecodes gibbus, Ballymaley, May 2020.
The ichneumon wasp Metopius dissectorius, Clooncoose, July 2020.
Slender-horned horsefly, Hybomitra montana, Tullagher bog, June 2021.
The spider wasp, Dipogon variegatus, Bunakippaun Wood, Attyslany, June 2021
Large emerald moth, Geometra papilionaria, Ennis, July 2021.
The argyresthid moth Argyresthia pygmaeella, Tullagher Bog, July 2021.
Rhinoceros beetle (female - without the horn) - Sinodendron cylindricum, Bunakippaun Wood, Attyslany, June 2021.
The green lacewing Dichochrysa ventralis, Tullagher Bog, June 2021.