Blacksmith, Anvil

62 Pins
Homemade Anvil - RR Anvil - Part 1
Des' projects or "Musings from the Shed": Homemade Anvil - RR Anvil - Part 1
DIY Blacksmithing Anvil
DIY Blacksmithing Anvil | Blacksmithing & Forging | DIY Forge, Knife Making Projects and Anvil Crafting Tutorials at
Railway-track anvil by timjo on DeviantArt
If you want to get started blacksmithing and can't find an anvil, you can make one out of a piece of RR track for small items and knives.
My first anvil. 20 hours to make. Used for 5 years until I got a real one. Still use it some times. 2 pieces of railway track welded together.
‪blacksmith guillotine tool‬‏
blacksmith guillotine tool - بحث Google‏
Homemade Rail Anvil - Page 4
Interesting way to make a RR anvil.
Show your Railroad Rail Anvils
Show your Railroad Rail Anvils - The Garage Journal Board
Hardy tool, bridge stake, for working forks as well as a great many other uses
Make a Planishing Stake
Making a planishing stake