guerre d'Algérie

28 Pins
Guerre d'Algérie : les images de la guerre
Guerre d'Algérie : les images de la guerre, pin by Paolo Marzioli
Album - 005 - Algerie - Le Souvenir Français - Délégation générale des Hauts-de-Seine.
Algerie - pin by Paolo Marzioli
Algerian war pin by Paolo Marzioli
Forgotten small war : in 1971, french army is engaged against rebels in Tchad. At that time, weapons of french infantry are technologically obsolete (MAS49-56 rifle and MAT49 SMG), except for FRF1 sniper rifle as the one in the foreground. In Tchad or later in Kolwezi, only better training and better command to tell the difference will allow the French to make the difference