The PLU ID card, known as a LuteCard is provided to all Pacific Lutheran University students and employees.
Your LuteCard is your key to PLU’s buildings, activities and campus restaurants.
>>Your LuteCard is your PLU ID and much more!
- Declining Balance Accounts: Dining Dollars and LuteBucks can be used for purchases in all Campus Restaurants, for copying and printing, for purchases with Meal Plan accounts. These accounts are available to all students and employees.
- Building Access: Your LuteCard works as a keycard throughout campus. The Access Administration Department will assign your custom access levels based on your campus living, work, classes and recreation needs.
- On-Campus Events: Many PLU events require showing or swiping your LuteCard at the door. PLU students often get discounts on tickets to music concerts and various other on-campus events, but only with your LuteCard.
- Attendance: Some attendance is recorded using your LuteCard.
- Sports Facilities: Your LuteCard will allow you to access to Names Fitness Center and the pool after you have completed the Fitness Center Waiver Form.
- Library: Your LuteCard is also your PLU library card.
>>Who is eligible for a LuteCard?
- All PLU Students, Faculty, Staff and Retirees are automatically eligible for a LuteCard.
- Departmental affiliates, interns, visiting scholars and temporary employees may also be issued a LuteCard after it is requested by their authorizing department.
- Student spouses residing on campus will be issued a LuteCard after it is requested by Residential Life.
- Dependents of some employees may be issued a LuteCard with limited benefits — visit Human Resources to make the request.
- PLU Alumni may request an Alumni card online.
>>LuteCard Policies
LuteCard policies including declining accounts policies are available in the PLU Student Code of Conduct.