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Cappuccino is a coffee drink made from espresso, hot milk and steamed milk foam.
Cappuccino is similar to a latte but is made with less milk than a latte. Foamy froth on the top over is a proprietary part of cappuccino and helps keep the espresso-milk mixture warm.
In addition to espresso quality, the next most important ingredient is milk, which is stewed to the right temperature and texture. When brewing milk for cappuccino, it is very important that the steam add small bubbles to the milk to create micro foam.
This process makes the milk velvety, smooth and adds sweets that otherwise would not be found. Creating the perfect cappuccino foam requires practice, and this makes their preparation so difficult.
The name “cappuccino” comes from the order of the Franciscan Mino fairs, the Cappuccino. These friars wore a hood with their clothes, and in the Italian language, “cappuccino” means a hood. It is assumed that the upper layer of foam on cappuccino can be called the hood of the drink because the color of the friar’s habit does not match the color of the drink.
The cappuccino machine was invented in Italy by Luigi Bezzera in 1901 and helped promote espresso for the first time in Europe and around the world.
Due to its European origin, it is not surprising that the taste of cappuccino was largely European in taste over the years. However, as more and more gourmet cafes and coffee shops began to appear in North America, cappuccino became a favorite. Coffee drinkers and even those who do not drink coffee helped to push the popularity of the drink upwards.
North American drinkers tend to change cappuccino and drink it differently than in their native Italy. It is often served with ice or otherwise, except a cappuccino machine, which is not seen in the Mediterranean region.
Also, you can often see cappuccino mixes on the shelves of a grocery store, although in reality, they are nothing more than blanched coffee mixes. These drinks are a little like real cappuccino, and a real coffee lover will immediately notice the difference.