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Until recently, most companies viewed relocating data centers as a once-in-a-lifetime event. As demand for infrastructure and technological advances continue to grow, current forecasts forecast 3 to 5 movements, with 53% of companies planning to do so in the coming years. What is your organization’s blueprint for successful planning and execution of data center and server relocation?
Data center movers and server movers have the complexities required for successful relocation. Working hand in hand with your IT team guarantees minimum downtime and maximizes performance before, during and after the move. Selecting a partner with the knowledge of the intricacies encountered during a move can make the difference between a smooth transition and a potential nightmare.
Comprehensive Planning
Good planning is crucial for businesses planning to relocate their data centers and servers. Team coordination within the company, as well as with the data center movers and server movers who have been chosen to perform the move, is essential for a successful move of the data center, such as illustrate the errors that plagued the relocation of the State of Oregon.
Hoping to upgrade and move their databases to a single facility, the state spent $20 million to build a new site and completed the relocation of 11 of the 12 agencies planned for their new facility, at a cost of $43 million. Unfortunately, the 55 watts per square foot did not meet the requirements of the Department 43 of Consumer and Business Services, forcing them to return to the original site. Data security concerns prevented the Department of Education from moving to the new facilities. Other issues were also noted, including the lack of a solid disaster recovery plan.
Protecting your business from similar problems and achieving the strategic goals that precipitated the move will make the difference between a successful and smooth transition. Good planning is essential and is strongly impacted by the team you choose for the relocation of your data center.
Wiring, space, and cooling capacity are just a few of the problems to solve when solving hardware problems related to relocating a data center. While this may seem like the perfect time to implement upgrades, many experts recommend that you implement them slowly, especially when they pertain to software.
Long-term strategic planning should be the first step. Moore’s law, which he declared in 1965, essentially provided that computer technology would double every two years. This rule has remained true, but is currently expected to double every 12 to 18 months or so.