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Engineers, as practitioners of engineering, who invent, design, analyze, build and test machines, complex systems, structures, fixtures, and materials to meet functional goals and requirements, taking into account the constraints imposed by practicality, regulations safety, and costs. The word engineer (Latin Ingeniator) comes from the Latin words ingeniare (“create, generate, contrive, devise) and Ingenium (“trick”). The basic engineering qualification usually includes a four-year Bachelor of Engineering or, in some jurisdictions, a Master of Engineering, plus four to six years of peer-reviewed internship (culminating in a project report or dissertation) and engineering exams.
The work of engineers is the link between scientific discoveries and their subsequent application to meet human and business needs and quality of life.
Engineers develop new technological solutions. In the process of engineering design, the responsibilities of an engineer may include identifying problems, conducting and narrowing down studies, analyzing criteria, finding and analyzing solutions, and making decisions. An engineer spends a significant part of it’s time researching, searching, applying, and communicating information. Research shows that engineers spend 56% of their time on various types of information behaviors, including 14% actively seeking information.
Engineers should evaluate different design options according to their qualities and choose the solution that best suits the requirements and needs. Their most important and unique task is to identify, understand, and interpret design limitations to achieve a successful result.
Engineers apply engineering analysis techniques to testing, manufacturing, or service. Analytical Engineers can monitor production in factories and elsewhere, determine causes of process failures, and test results to maintain quality. They also estimate the time and cost required to complete projects. Overseer Engineers are responsible for large components or entire projects. Engineering analysis involves applying scientific-analytical principles and processes to identify the system’s properties and state, device, or mechanism under study. Technical analysis occurs by dividing the engineering design into work or failure mechanisms, analyzing or evaluating each component of the work or failure mechanism separately, and recombining the components. They may analyze the risk.
Many engineers use computers to create and analyze designs, simulate and test a machine’s operation, structure, or system, create part specifications, monitor product quality, and monitor process performance.