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Griffin is a mythical creature that has the head and wings of an eagle and the body of a lion. Sometimes he is portrayed as a snake who has a long tail. Most of the time, only the female has wings and males have spikes on their backs instead of wings.
Griffins are usually a heroic symbols. They are well known for their speed, the ability to fly and have eyes like an eagle, and the strength and courage of a lion. In Assyria (ancient empire of the West) and two griffin and dragon are symbols of wisdom. In Roman art, griffins often pulls the chariot of Nemesis (goddess of justice and vengeance).
Griffin sometimes spelled gryphon. In Greek mythology, gryphons are always at war against the one-eyed race people called Arimaspians, who are constantly trying to steal their gold.
Griffins are often known as the treasure keepers. In ancient times, the Griffins are the patron saint of divine power.
Recently Griffin also seen in the Fantasy/Action action movie Warcraft 2016.