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I, is the ninth letter of the alphabet. It corresponds to Semitic yod, which may arise from the early symbol for hand and the Greek iota (I). The Early Greek forms from the island of Thera resembled Semitic more than a later single vertical stroke. In the early Attic and early Corinthian inscriptions, a form appeared that resembled the S. Chalcidian alphabet formed I, and this was the form in all Italian alphabets, including the Etruscan language.
A minuscule letter is only an abbreviated form of a letter. The point is, as for the first time in the manuscripts of the 11th century, and is used to distinguish between letters and encourage reading of the words in which was in close proximity to letters such as n or m (for example, inimicis). The point was often in the form of a dash. Becoming common in medieval manuscripts to distinguish a house or otherwise form by extending below the line and the habit of distinguishing the letters i and j. The initial letter, almost always long, usually had a concerted force, and this led to I representing a consensus verb. Both letters are not considered separate until the 17th century.
In a Semitic letter, this letter is similar to English y. In Greek, Latin and Romance languages, it is a high front vowel, similar to English long e. In Latin short i represented a much more open sound than a long i, as evidenced by the fact that at the end of Late Latin, it was accompanied with a long e.