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A label is a piece of paper, plastic film, cloth, metal, or other material attached to a container or product on which printed information or symbols are written or printed. Information printed directly on the container or product may also be considered a label.
Labels have many uses, including providing information on the origin of a product, the manufacturer (for example, a trademark or brand name), use, shelf life and disposal, some or all of which may be regulated by law, such as the United Kingdom or US food products. Production methods and packaging attachments are different and may also be subject to internationally recognised standards. In many countries, hazardous products, such as poisons or flammable liquids, must have a warning label.
Labels can be used for any combination of identification, information, warnings, instructions for use, environmental guidelines or advertising. These can be stickers, permanent or temporary labels or printed packaging.
Food and beverage labels usually contain important information about the content or ingredients used in the product, and may also cause certain allergic risks, such as the presence of gluten or soy. The FDA also provides standards for regulating information provided on the labels and packaging of wine and spirits. These labels contain information such as brand name, class and type, and alcohol content.