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A locket is a pendant that opens to reveal a space used to store a photograph or other small object like a lock of hair. Lockets are commonly given to loved ones on holidays such as Valentine’s Day and occasions such as christenings, weddings and, most notably in the Victorian Age, funerals. Historically, they have often been opened to reveal miniature portraits.
Lockets are usually worn on chains around the neck and often contain an image of the person who gave the locket, or they can be part of a charm bracelet. They come in many different shapes, such as ovals, hearts, and circles, and are usually crafted from precious metals such as gold or silver to match their status as decorative ornaments.
Lockets usually only contain one or two photographs, but some specially made lockets can contain up to eight. Some lockets are designed as “rotating” lockets, in which bail is attached to a necklace chain is attached but not attached to the locket itself, which can rotate freely. This was the general style of the Victorian era. Around 1860, memento lockets began to replace mourning rings as the preferred style of mourning jewellery.
Keepsake lockets can also be made with a glass pane on the front so that you can see what’s inside without opening the locket. These lockets are commonly used for items such as locks of hair, which can fall out and get lost if the locket is repeatedly opened, and photo lockets are usually closed on all sides, and photographs are held together with pieces of clean plastic.
Another type of locket that is still in production is a filigree style with a small pillow in the centre, to which a few drops of perfume should be added. Perfume lockets were popular in an era when personal hygiene was limited, and perfumes with a sweet scent were used to mask the scent of a person or their companions.
There are very rare British and American military uniforms with lockets from the First and Second World Wars, containing miniature working compasses.