The enforcement of laws and regulations in the society is the responsibility of the police, and such police activity is an important service in every country. The police are dealing with the problem of laws and order. Search and prevention of criminal activity in the jurisdiction of the police. They need to undertake surveillance work on identifying and eliminating potential threats to the society from within.

Criminals will become indulge on antisocial activities, such as robbery, theft, violence, and the duty to protect people from such risks becomes police responsibility.

Criminals should be arrested and to be brought before the courts of law for trials. The police have to handle riots, violence, arson and similar wild situations created by the crowd, and establish peace in society.

Traffic control is also another challenge for the police. In addition to taking precautionary measures to prevent accidents, they must conduct rescue operations even after the risks.

Natural disasters, such as fires, floods, heavy storms, and heavy snowstorms, create urgent situations that require the police to engage in rescue operations. Sometimes they are attracted to political upheavals that can lead to serious situations of law and order. The police also maintain bomb detection and disposal squads and fully fledged forensic crime detection departments. Dog squads and forensic investigation laboratories comes under the police control.

Police activity is one of the most important portfolios that handled by any government. It is controlled by one of the most senior and effective members of the government. For administrative convenience, the department is divided into sections such as the law & order, crimes, road intelligence and much more.

The internal security of the country is the main responsibility of the police department. From the chief to the constable in the police department there are several thousands of people who serve the police force. They are trained to cope with their duties, honesty and dedication. Because a disciplined police force is well equipped and ready for any difficult situation.

We expect that the police will make every effort to prevent crime and ensure security. Undoubtedly, the overwhelming majority of policemen are devoted to the protection of the population. We are very grateful to these law enforcement officers.

The police have broad powers to carry out their duties, as they should. However, there are restrictions on these forces. Judicial claims of violence by the police or abuse can arise when law enforcement officers go beyond their authority and cause unnecessary injury.