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Walking is a great exercise with a low impact. Walking is inexpensive, and almost everyone has the opportunity to take part in a walking exercise program. With more than one-third of American adults considered to be obese (as indicated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), taking care of your health is more important than ever. Obesity has a number of health-related risks, including heart disease and type 2 diabetes. But why should you walk more? Daily walking can help you stay fit and reduce the risk of obesity or the development of diseases associated with obesity. If you are overweight, obese, or simply do not exercise for a while, walking is a great way to relax in regular workouts.
People who travel regularly swear by the health and psychological benefits of their daily jaunt. Here are four reasons why they are right.
1. Walking reduces stress, admires and improves self-esteem
If you ever go for a walk in disarray and return more relaxed and collected, you know that walking can help reduce your reaction to a stressful event.
Research also confirms that walking is good for your mood, freeing up natural happy endorphins. And you will be proud of your achievement, which will help improve your self-esteem.
2. You can lose weight by walking only 30 minutes a day.
Walking – one of the best weight loss exercise – is relatively easy to do (and easy on the joints), it’s free, and you should do it every day anyway. To start walking for fitness, try starting with a 20-minute walk every day. If it is too big, start decreasing. But you set your goal to build up to 30 minutes a day, every day.
Once you have mastered it, take the time to reach a higher level. Never increase more than 10% more every day from a maximum week before. Once you’re done, increase your goal to 10,000 steps per day (a pedometer will help you).
3. Regular walking lowers blood pressure, improves sleep and energizes you.
Regular walks have less heart attacks and strokes, lower blood pressure and higher levels of HDL (healthy cholesterol) than exercise. Walking can lower blood pressure and LDL (bad cholesterol), reduce the risk of many types of cancer, and improve immune function. In addition, it improves sleep quality and energizes you.
4. People experience a major dip in snack cravings during and after 15 minutes of walk.
Cravings is usually bad news for people trying to lose weight. Food desires are typically calories, dense or sweet, and chocolate is the most commonly reported.