Download free Yin-Yang Tattoos PNG Transparent Images, vectors, and clipart for personal or non-commercial projects. Ideal for any design or creative projects. To view the full PNG image in its original resolution, simply click on any of the thumbnails below.
Yin Yang Tattoo art has become very popular choice for men and women. Symbols can be independent or they are increasingly being used in combination with other designs. Yin is black, the female part of the symbol representing earth, water, night and passivity and yang which is white, male part which represents day, fire, air and activity.
Symbol of yin and yang, symbolizes that everything has two sides, and it is only in relation to each other, it seems a black spot in the white half and the white spot in the Black half, as a reminder that there is always some traces of each other. For example, there is always a light in the dark, from the stars and the moon.
Yin and Yang are the unity of opposites, and can be one of the other changes in the night and the day, hot becomes cold, however, with respect to both day and night, live together on the earth as seen from space.