Flying Pokémon are a pretty common occurrence in Pokémon Go, with each generation boasting numerous birds. It can be daunting choosing a flying-type for your team, which is why we’re here to tell you who the best flying Pokémon in Pokémon Go are. Prepare yourself, some of these entries take a considerable amount of effort to get, but we promise it’s worth it.
However, if you’re not in the market for a cheeky bird but want a companion that can read your mind, our list of the best psychic Pokémon has the ‘mon for you. We can also help you pick out the best ice Pokémon in case you want to freeze ‘em all, or just give them a soak with the best water Pokémon in Pokémon Go.
Here are the best flying Pokémon in Pokémon Go:
Shadow Moltres
Fast attack: Wing attack
Charged attack: Sky attack
Yes, we’re starting like this, and yes, this list is full of legendary ‘mon – you wanna know why? Because they absolutely slap, and a lot of them fly high in the sky, above you, where they should be. Anyway, first up is Moltres, one of the legendary birds from generation one. Not only is this bird gorgeous to look at, but it’s one of the best fire Pokémon in Pokémon Go, and the fact it can fly too is just the cherry on top.
If you happen to love Spring and enjoy the beautiful colors of the season, you should feel especially happy when you spot Moltres out in the wild, as that means Spring is on its way.
To learn how to put out the flames, consult our fire Pokémon weakness guide.
Fast attack: Air Slash
Charged attack: Brave Bird
Honestly, Braviary is probably the most powerful flying-type on this list that doesn’t fall under the legendary category. Debuting in generation five, in Pokémon Go, Braviary is capable of high damage at an impressive speed, so if you’re after a solid flying-type, you can’t go wrong here.
Braviary is an incredibly loyal bird, with its Pokédex entry even claiming that it never stops fighting for its friends, even if injured. Thanks to its decent speed and attack prowess, this bird should be able to hold its own against anyone who dares attack its pals.
Considering Braviary isn’t just one of the best bird Pokémon but one of the best normal Pokémon, too, it’s a good idea to brush up on your normal Pokémon weakness knowledge.
Fast attack: Gust
Charged attack: Hurricane
Here you go, the second legendary to pop up on this list is Yveltal – what a bird. This ‘mon is a combination of the dark and flying-types, which opens it up to some unique combinations (I’m also just a huge fan of the dark-type in general). However, as you’re here for a solid flying Pokémon, we recommend you choose gust and hurricane as its fast and charged attacks.
The cover Pokémon for Y is also a hard hitter, reaching 4,275 CP, though it’s 250 attack is arguably its most attractive feature. Yvetal also has 185 defense and 246 stamina, making it a well-rounded Pokémon that can cause a lot of damage in battle.
Remember, Yvettal is also a dark Pokémon, so you may want to discover what the dark Pokémon weakness is with our guide.
Shadow Staraptor / Staraptor
Fast attack: Wing attack
Charged attack: Fly
Staraptor is a third-stage Pokémon, and it’s fair to say that it’s worth the effort you go through to get one, though we admittedly don’t think it’s the best-designed bird by a mile. Of course, this comes down to personal preference, as there are other entries on this list that fit the flying-type bill, but we can’t deny the stats and aggression that Staraptor can bring to your party.
To be more specific, Staraptor can reach 3,194 CP with 234 attack, 140 defense, and 198 stamina, giving it a good chance of causing some problems for your opponent. When it comes to its fast and charged attacks, we recommend you use either wing attack or gust for its fast move and Fly for its charged one.
While Staraptor is a candidate for one of the best flying Pokémon in Pokémon Go, it’s best to go after its shadow variant, as the 20% boost in damage can make a huge difference in a fight – just make sure you pick your battles wisely to avoid being decimated by Shadow Staraptor taking 20% more damage as well.
According to its Pokédex entry, Staraptor is an extremely savage bird, so much so that it doesn’t care how big its opponent is. This Pokémon will go after a giant, and like Braviary, it doesn’t give a hoot if it’s injured, Staraptor will continue to fight. Good job it has the speed to strike first, with an attack stat that means some good damage.
Fast attack: Air slash
Charged attack: Hurricane
Here we go, another legendary flying Pokémon, but this one isn’t a bird – hooray! Instead, Tornadus is a member of the Forces of Nature trio, and in Pokémon Go, this impressive creature can unleash havoc with its impressive hurricane attack – just make sure you remain in the eye of the storm.
The main thing to take note of with Tornadus is its impressive speed stat. Mind you, its namesake should give an indication of how fast this creature can go, clocking in with top speeds of more than 200mph.
Fast attack: Fairy wind
Charged attack: Fly
Enamorus is a real force of nature, which makes sense given it belongs to the ‘forces of nature’ group with the likes of Tornadus and Landorus. So, you may notice that Enamorus holds a coveted spot on our list of the best fairy Pokémon, but it also more than earns its place on our list of the best flying Pokémon.
For starters, it can reach a respectable 3,873 max CP coupled with an equally respectable 281 attack stat, meaning it can dish out a fair amount of damage. Luckily for you, the best charged attack available to Enamorus happens to be fly, so you’re sorted for flying-type damage there. However, there is no flying option for its fast attack.
Without question, the best fast attack for Enamorus is the fairy-based move fairy wind, but if you want this legendary beast to use psychic- or -ghost-type moves instead, you can opt for zen headbutt or astonish.
Shadow Zapdos / Zapdos
Fast attack: Drill peck
Charged attack: Charge beam
The second of the legendary birds to appear on this list is Zapdos. There’s just no way we couldn’t add it to this list, particularly as it happens to be one of the best electric Pokémon in Pokémon Go. You can light up the sky with the competition with some impressive electric attacks, or you send them sky-high with flying attacks. Either way, Zapdos is sure to cause some damage.
To give Zapdos a shocking surprise, check out our electric Pokémon weakness guide.
Mega Pidgeot
Fast attack: Gust
Charged attack: Brave bird
As a gen 1 Pokémon, Pidgeot holds a special place in the hearts of many, especially as it’s likely the first powerful bird you ever got your hands on in the older ‘mon games, meaning it’s the first major bird you likely battled with, and the same is probably true in Pokémon Go, and thankfully, it happens to be one of the best flying Pokémon in the game – well, it’s mega evolution is.
Mega Pidegot is incredibly powerful, boasting a behemoth 280 attack stat, supported by a 4,160 CP, 175 defense, and 195 stamina. As for the moves you should use, we suggest you go for gust or wing attack for its fast move and brave bird for its charged attack. The best time to search for a Mega Pidgeot is during windy and partly cloudy weather, so bear that in mind before you go searching for this bird.
Shadow Lugia
Fast attack: Extrasensory
Charged attack: Aeroblast
There are some powerful legendaries flying around out there, and Shadow Lugia is yet another great example. While the standard version of Lugia doesn’t quite match up to the other entries on this list, the increase in damage output from the Shadow variant gives it a nice boost. Plus, the extra 20% in damage Shadow Lugia takes is mitigated by its very impressive 310 defense stat.
Regarding its attacks, Shadow Lugia doesn’t have access to a flying-type fast attack, instead having dragon tail and extrasensory available. We suggest you consider whether you want this legendary beast to have a dragon-type or psychic-type attack and then pursue the respective move. As for it’s charged attack, we strongly recommend you opt for Aeroblast instead of sky attack.
Mega Rayquaza / Rayquaza
Fast attack: Air slash
Charged attack: Dragon ascent
Here’s what we consider to be one of the best legendary Pokémon to ever grace the franchise. Rayquaza is a force of nature and is a dragon-type on top of flying, which unsurprisingly means this menacing ‘mon can cause some impressive damage and trap its foes in a ferocious storm. Yeah, you definitely want this creature of legend on your team. We’re not exaggerating when we say Pokémon Go’s Rayquaza has some of the highest damage output among the beasts of the skies.
Overall, Rayquaza can reach 4,336 CP with 284 attack, 170 defense, and 213 stamina, making it one mean ‘mon on the battlefield. If you want Rayquaza on your team purely for flying-type offense, make sure you use air slash and dragon ascent as its fast and charged attacks (though we recommend you swap out air slash for dragon tail if you want the best of both).
The real star, however, is Mega Rayquaza, arguably the best flying Pokémon in Pokémon Go. It can reach 6,458 CP, a staggering 377 for its attack, a respectable 210 defense, and a good 227 stamina. If you can, this is the creature you need to get on your team.
Another important thing to note about Rayaquaza is that it’s also a dragon Pokémon, and given they’re weak to just one element, it’s wise to consult our dragon Pokémon weakness guide before you fight this legendary.
Shadow Dragonite
Fast attack: Dragon tail
Charged attack: Outrage
What a beast. Dragonite is a fan-favorite Pokémon for a lot of reasons, its awesome design, its postal delivery service, its pseudo-legendary status, and, of course, its battle prowess. Regardless of which game you play, if Dragonite is in the Pokédex, I guarantee it’s one of the most powerful in the game, and the same is true for Pokémon Go.
In PoGo, Dragonite can reach 4,287 CP with an attack stat of 263, a defense stat of 198, and a stamina stat that reaches 209. All of those are pretty impressive numbers that mean Dragonite can cause a lot of harm to its opponents.
Shadow Salamence / Salamence
Fast attack: Dragon tail
Charged attack: Fly
Salamence is the pseudo-legendary from generation three, so it’s hardly surprising that it’s a heavy hitter. In Pokémon Go, Salamence can reach 4,239 combat power with a 277 attack stat, showing you just how much damage it can do, with its potential increasing slightly with the shadow variant if the weather conditions are windy.
This dragon is a point of contention for the PT team, with half of us holding a special spot for Salamence while the others think it’s overrated. Regardless, there’s no denying its battle prowess, proving to be an asset should you be in need of either a flying- or dragon-type.
How many flying Pokémon are there?
There are 133 flying Pokémon at the moment, and this number is inclusive of mega evolutions and unique forms. New flying Pokémon tend to appear with each new generation, so you can expect that number to increase when generation ten arrives. However, it’s worth noting that not every flying-type is in Pokémon Go – Corviknight, for instance, is still absent from the mobile game.
What is a flying Pokémon’s weakness?
As detailed in our flying Pokémon weakness guide, there are free types to watch out for if you use a flying-type: ice-, electric-, and rock-types. In our article, we tell who the best counter Pokémon are, as well as how you can make the most out of your flying Pokémon with its strengths and resistances.
There you have it, the best flying Pokémon in Pokémon Go. We can also help you out with our Misdreavus evolution, Scyther evolution, Cetoddle evolution, Salandit evolution, Clefairy evolution, Ralts evolution, Floette evolution, and Bisharp evolution guides,