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The eight strongest Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet

The strongest Pokémon in Scarlet and Violet are some of the most powerful creatures in the franchise and make a great addition to any team.

Strongest Pokemon candidates Flutter Mane, Annihilape, and Ceruledge in front of a pink background

The strongest Pokémon are among the best of the best, giving the best chance of being the victor in battle. Yes, many good creatures call Paldea home, but why settle for good when you can have great? So, let’s take a look at the strongest ‘mon the ninth generation has to offer.

Mind you, before you can make use of the strongest Pokémon, you need to fill out that Pokédex and catch ’em all. This is why we’re here to tell you how to evolve Charcadet and how to evolve Primeape. If that’s not enough for you, we can tell you all about Ralts’ evolution, Scyther’s evolution, Murkrow’s evolution, Bisharp’s evolution, Gloom’s evolution, and Dreepy’s evolution.

Here are the strongest Pokémon:

Strongest Pokemon - Annihilape in front of a map of Paldea

Annihilape – Fighting/Ghost 


  • Vital Spirit – The Pokémon cannot be asleep while having this ability
  • Inner Focus – This Pokémon will not flinch. Does not prevent flinching with Focus Punch. Also prevents stats from being lowered by the ability Intimidate
  • (Hidden Ability) Defiant – Attack is raised by two stages when the Pokémon has its stats lowered. Doesn’t work on self-inflicted stat drops or drops from allies

It’s the year of our Arceus 2024 and yet here we are, talking about how competitively viable a Mankey evolution is. Presenting the best kind of regional evolution, Annihilape is such a great way to update the monster, as its Pokédex entry suggests that a Primeape got so angry it died, only for its rage to bring it back as a ghost. I love this one so much.  

The type coverage of fighting and ghost Pokémon make Annhilape a threat to several big ‘mon, including normal types like Blissey and ice types like Cetitan and Baxcalibur. It gains STAB on moves like cross chop and stomping tantrum, and its signature ghost move rage fist gets more powerful the more Annihilape gets hit. Coupled with its impressive base 115 attack stat and a couple of complimentary abilities, this monkey could really sweep through some teams.

If you still need some convincing of how strong Primeape is, its Pokédex paints a good picture. It states that when angry, Annihilape imbues its fists with a rage like no other. It’s so powerful that the ‘mon can shatter its opponents to their core. Convinced now?

If you happen to come across Annhilape, it’s a good idea to look at our fighting Pokémon weakness and ghost Pokémon weakness guides to discover its strengths and weaknesses.
Strongest Pokemon - Glimmora in front of a map of Paldea

Glimmora – rock/poison 


  • Toxic debris – Scatters poison spikes at the feet of the opposing team when the Pokémon takes damage from physical moves 
  • (Hidden ability) Corrosion – The Pokémon can poison the target even if it’s a steel or poison type

Glimmora doesn’t grab the attention of many trainers at first, with them instead searching for bigger and badder Pokémon, which is understandable considering Glimmora has a very unassuming presence that gives you the impression it has little to offer in combat. Well, that couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, Glimmora is one of the best creatures for using status effects, being able to even inflict poison upon steel- and poison-types. Furthermore, thanks to its toxic debris ability, it scatters poison spikes any time a Pokémon hits it.

Let’s not forget about Glimmora’s absolutely stonking 130 base special attack stat, one of the highest of any new Pokémon in the game. Coupled with STAB moves like power gem and sludge wave, this thing can do some serious damage. It also has a respectable 86 speed and 90 defense, as well as six resistance thanks to its typing, including fairy. It also gets access to sandstorm, so Glimmora could be a great buddy in doubles if you’re running a Garchomp and need to protect them. 

Understanding how to beat Glimmora is half the battle should you face one, so consult our poison Pokémon weakness and rock Pokémon weakness guides to get the upper hand.

Strongest Pokemon - Gholdengo in front of a map of Paldea

Gholdengo – steel/ghost 


  • Good as gold – A body of pure, solid gold gives the Pokémon full immunity to other Pokémon’s status moves 

No. We don’t like this, but we said we’re going to show you the strongest Pokémon, and the gold spaghetti man is one of the best, so here we are. Its ability, good as gold, is what makes it stand out from the pack, as this makes it immune to status effects like burn, paralysis, and poison, and we don’t have to tell you how great that is. However, it doesn’t stop there, as Gholdengo is also entirely immune to poison-, fighting, and normal-type moves. To put it bluntly, the annoying, shiny lad is one of the best Pokémon we’ve ever seen defensively, so you’d best go and collect those Ghimmighoul coins.

In terms of offense, steel and ghost are great types for coverage, and Gholdengo has access to flash cannon, shadow ball, and the new unique move make it rain (yes, really) that lowers the user’s special attack, but earns the trainer extra money after the battle. This is all supplemented with a healthy spread of a whopping 133 special attack, 95 defense, 91, special defense, and 84 speed. This thing is an absolute nuisance, and it has the type and move coverage to take full advantage of that.

If you face off against Gholdengo, check out our steel Pokémon weakness guide to see how to defeat it.

Strongest Pokemon - Palafin in front of a map of Paldea

Palafin – water 


  • Zero to hero – The Pokémon transforms into its hero form when it switches out 

Nine generations. Nine. That’s how many regions it took until we finally got a dolphin Pokémon, and it was more than worth the wait – I don’t even want to think about how disappointing it would have been had Palafin been rubbish like Bruxish. Luckily, not only is Palafin one of the cutest ‘mon in Paldea, but it’s also one of the strongest thanks to a certain trick.

Upon first glance you might think there isn’t anything special about this dolphin, and you’d be right, to an extent. However, when Palafin enters its hero form, thanks to its ability, zero to hero, this ‘mon becomes very powerful, reaching a base attack stat of 160 – that’s the same as Regigigas and Unbound Hoopa and is even better than that of Rayquaza.

This thing is a beast, with its design incredibly fitting of its superhero persona, and I love it so much. It also gains access to flip turn, a water-type move that swaps place with a Pokémon in your party, so Palafin can power up and change like Clark Kent in a phonebooth. 

Make sure you learn how to ride the waves with our water Pokémon weakness guide. We can also tell you how to evolve Finizen if you want to get your hands on Palafin.

Strongest Pokemon - Ceruledge in front of a map of Paldea

Ceruledge – fire/ghost


  • Flash Fire – This Pokémon is immune to fire-type moves and, upon being hit with one, will receive an increase in its attack stat
  • Weak Armour – If a physical attack hits this Pokémon, its defense is lowered one stage, but its speed is increased by two stages

You don’t lose, no matter which Charcadet evolution you get, though there’s one that stands out slightly more, to us, at least. While we can’t fault Armarouge’s impressive base defense and special attack stats, we think Ceruledge has slightly more to offer thanks to its fantastic 125 attack stat and being the faster of the two evolutions.

Bitter blade – Ceruledge’s signature move – recovers 50% of the damage you deal to your enemies, which is quite impressive. Fire and ghost make for great offensive typing, but we would normally stick with flash fire as an ability to gain another immunity. Of course, fire is weak to a lot of battle hazards, so Ceruledge is best paired with the heavy-duty boots in competitive. But if you’re just exploring Paldea and want to deal serious pain, use the held item life orb for extra damage, then recover the health anyway with bitter blade.

Don’t forget, if you need to put out the flames, our fire Pokémon weakness guide can tell you how. We can also tell you how to evolve Charcadet, regardless of which evolution you’re after.

Strongest Pokemon - Iron Bundle in front of a map of Paldea

Iron Bundle – water/ice


  • Quark Drive  – Increases the user’s highest stat by 30% while electric terrain is activated or if the booster energy is attached 

Look at this fun little guy. Of all the Pokémon, Delibird ended up getting such a significant upgrade that Iron Bundle is now in the uber category of Smogon’s competitive rankings. In fact, Iron Bundle is so powerful that it’s banned from regular play and when you see its stats, you can understand why. This lad has a 136 speed stat and a 124 special attack stat, while its ability quark drive allows it to improve its higher stat. It’s a deadly combination.

Add on top of this great STAB moves like hydro pump, ice beam, and even the move free-dry, which is super effective against water types and can leave the target frozen. There are very few Pokémon in the game who can outright resist either STAB type moves from Iron Bundle, and that means it is a threat to any Pokémon, and it’s probably faster than them to boot. Watch out, this Robo-penguin is coming down the chimney, and he’s bringing more than just gifts. 

To learn how to melt the ice, check out our ice Pokémon weakness guide.

Strongest Pokemon - Flutter Mane in front of a map of Paldea

Flutter Mane – ghost/fairy


  • Protosynthesis – Increases the user’s highest stat by 30% while sunny day is activated or if the booster energy is attached

The paradox form of Misdreavus, Flutter Mane, is one of the best-looking Paradox Pokémon, and it just might be the most powerful. Sorry Roaring Moon fans, but this thing has some power. Flutter Mane balances a wild stat split, with 135 special attack, special defence, and speed, with 55 HP, attack, and defence. That makes this one hell of a glass cannon, but it can take some special hits at least.

Ghost and fairy are great offensive types, and Flutter Mane has access to great moves like moon blast and shadow ball that will make great use of STAB and the booster energy bonus. It also has an immunity to normal, fighting, and dragon-type moves, so Flutter Wing can switch into some huge threats and get in some hits before it’s ultimately killed. It won’t last long, but if you can focus on speed and power, Flutter Mane can do some huge damage before it’s gone. 

To combat the fairy side of Flutter Mane, take a look at our fairy Pokémon weakness guide.

Strongest Pokemon - Walking Wake in front of a map of Paldea

Walking Wake – water/dragon


  • Protosynthesis – Increases the user’s highest stat by 30% while sunny day is activated or if the booster energy is attached

Game Freak added this beast after release, although hints within the game had players guessing. A paradox form of fan-favorite Suicune, Walking Wake is a monstrous version of the legendary beast, and the changes to stats and type are a major threat.

With 125 special attack and 109 speed, Walking Wake can break down a lot of defensive Pokémon, especially when used with choice specs. Double this with a timid nature to make the most of its speed, and stab attacks like draco meteor cause havoc for major checks like Dragonite, Dragapult, and Roaring Moon. It also has access to the signature move Hyrdo Steam, making this a formidable threat.

To combat the dragon half of this ‘mon, check out our dragon Pokémon weakness guide.

If you want to have a look at some more pals, be sure to check out our guide to the best gen 9 Pokémon next, then maybe take a look at the new Pokémon game. We even have a Pokémon Legends: Z-A release date guide to keep you up to date.