Amitava Sur

Amitava Sur Poems

A water bead on lotus leaf -
Shimmering with a glow
But up to that time only
As long is on the leaf.

Woman… Woman… o' my loving woman
A woman is by far an Excellency
A woman is like a Baobab tree
A woman can grow to any length

Oh' my dear, the passers by,
I beg you all to listen a while.
I don't beg any food from you
Not even any money.

I not know exactly
How much I love you,
But I know that in no way
I can't be without you.

With a sudden gush of air, the mirror, hanging on the wall
Was broken into hundreds of pieces.

Collecting all and uniting them back in the frame

Pool of blood, already being soaked in the earth'ssoil
Innumerable Skulls are scattered around,
So many bodies are floating away
With tears and miseries all the way.

Gone are those lovely colorful days ……..
Leaving only some sweet remembrance.
But still they give a solace to me
In a corner of my heart in these days! !

Though I volunteered to be truth abiding,
Truth has not endeared me yet.

What a swell headed man I am

It feels good, it does good
And it persists throughout
It cools, it calms
It gives the ultimate peace.

Cherishing your presence
Being so benevolent,
Your every footstep
Is immensely engraved

A holy heart with kindness and wisdom
Was boldly addressing them.
To think right, to do the right
And to know themselves.

Jesus was with Mohammed in a park near the lake
Buddha, Confucius and Mahabir Jain
Were sitting on another bench,
Eating some ground nuts, peeling off their shells.

In the misty moon -lit night an angel did alight
Peeped me through the window-
With my beloved holding tight.
She was smiling at me with a gleam in her face

The moment we arrived on earth
Coming out of a mother's womb

A flower with all elegance and flair
Bloomed with it’s exquisite flavor
Arriving with all glamour and gloss
Like a well dressed queen on monarch.

I don't understand nor realize
What religion we do believe or preach?
And what we follow, learn and speak about religion?

Phase 1.
Alone I was at that time, when I arrived in a womb,
Getting mature, as time was passing by –
I had a shape of a human being! !

This earth is not safe anymore,
Here human cannot stay.
Where cruelty and enmity are
Dominating day by day.

Like a tree she took care of me
To blossom with colors.
She provided all vigor and fodder
Blossoming me as a flower.

Knowledge teaches us
How much is our need
Vices inundate
In the swirl of greed.

Amitava Sur Biography

I'm basically a technocrat, served an international oil Co. and now I'm retd. Since long I love reading poems of different poets in different genre. I enjoy reading poems and short stories.Truly, very recently I started writing. Because, I found here I can express my feelings & views silently with a freedom. I personally like poems from any genre, but they should have some message at the end.I like expressing my views in simplest words with a smoothness and rhythm. In my opinion the rhythm itself differentiates a poem from a prose. A poetic mind's expression with rhythm itself is poetry. I have joined this PH Club in Sept’ 2013. Here I can read very many poems from different poets from diff. corners of the globe and can go through their feelings & thoughts through their penning. Nevertheless, I am also expressing my feelings and getting valuable comments from your end what inspires me to write further and in a better way. Thank you all respected poets all over the globe. Keep well and enrich our club by writing more and interacting more.)

The Best Poem Of Amitava Sur

A Drop On A Lotus Leaf

A water bead on lotus leaf -
Shimmering with a glow
But up to that time only
As long is on the leaf.

With a little jerk or a shake
It rolls down and ends.

This life is like that only
As a drop on a lotus leaf
Priceless is our human life
But very mortal and short lived.

With a little quiver or a tweak
It shatters and then breaks.
Very short lived and uncertain
Like the dew on the grass tips.

To extract the beauty of life
So long you are alive -

Love all with love and peace -
Love flower bird and child.
Spread out the treasure of love
To the saints, demons and the beasts.

Enjoy the life without harming others
Live and let live with peace,
Who knows when the heart will stop
Even when you're at your height of success!

Life is like water drops
Wobbling on lotus leaf.
Short lived and uncertain
Like the dew on the grass tips.
Amitava (21.02.2014) 6-30 am


Amitava Sur Comments

Patricia Grantham 23 October 2013

I have had the pleasure of reading many of Amitava Surs poetry. He writes with words of wisdom and enlightens the soul. His poems touches the heart and puts the reader at ease with his calm and soothing words. Many blessings to him in the world of poetry. My kindest regards. Patricia.

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Romeo Della Valle 29 December 2013

Amitava Sur is an amazing and spiritually touching poet who has impressed me his high quality and well crafted poems! Even though I haven't made many comments on his works because of my very busy schedule, I had the great pleasure to read some of them and I can only say, AMAZING! Proud I am of having you as a brother and a fellow poet friend! Keep it up! Keep enriching the Poetry World with your thought provoking works! God Bless You! Regards from New York City

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Roseann Shawiak 05 February 2018

Amitava, certainly miss your philosophical poetry here on ph, you are such a great poet. Looking forward to reading you again soon.

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Roseann Shawiak 03 February 2017

Amitava, your are definitely a great poet, but also will remembered as a great philosopher also, your Dad gave you this great gift, please continue to use it wisely throughout your life. Your words have deep meaning, are very insightful, intense and touch others in a way no others could do. Always look forward to your poetry and quotations, Little One. Cannot wait until your English Poetry Book is published here in Phoenix, Arizona, what a wonderful accomplishment that will be! Definitely we will celebrate and toast to your continued success, Amitava! !

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Roseann Shawiak 07 February 2015

Amitava, is a philosopher and a poet, whom I love to read. His poems are always thought-provoking, making me think beyond the normal. Amitava has an innocent and pure wisdom that I believe is innate, his ideas are sublime and very noteworthy throughout the world. He is not afraid to mirror injustice, hatred or prejudice - reflecting the wrongs of humanity in this world, he puts it all out there in his poetry very eloquently and succinctly. Constantly, he is touching my soul with his spirituality and keen sense of life. I pray that God will always bless Him abundantly, Amitava is a first class poet in my book. Will continue to read his poetry with great interest and enthusiasm. Amitava is a very endearing poet with a knowledge of the world around him.

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Akhtar Jawad 09 August 2014

The heart of Amitava a model of love, the brain of Amitava a symbol of morality, the conscience of Amitava a mirror of saints and the poems of Amitava a beauty, a trinity of all the three.

4 0 Reply

excellent poems. you are great in explaining your feels. i invite you to read my poem

2 0 Reply

Amitava Sur Quotes

' If you are to rise to a greater height then first you have to know how and when a person falls '. Amitava

' True love never dies; it's always fresh and fine; it is divine.' Amitava

It is difficult to live without any love in life But it is next to impossible to live after losing the love.

You are riding a Time Train which never waits, So do something fruitful right now, you'll get this moment never again. You will be remembered by your deeds only, not by anything else.

Wrong person on a right chair Is the cause of anything unfair...

The ultimate TRUTH along with unconditional Love is the only object what the immortal soul accepts only. Amitava.

' Beauty in face is like a bubble in air, Real beauty lies in your action and behavior '

Beauty in face is like a bubble in air, Real beauty lies in your action & behavior...

' If the seed itself is polluted and not nourished a healthy flower can never be expected from it '... Amitava.

To Become a true good person - depends on you yourself only, as how honest and good you are, very consciously to your own self! ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Amitava.

Being happy doesn't always mean - 'getting whatever you desire' It means - 'loving what you have and being thankful for it ' Amitava.

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