Je'free Y .

Je'free Y . Poems

The abode of tears:
Tears of joy and tears of sadness.
The house of traceable stressed contours,
And relieved smiles on faces.

I took a couple with breakfast
I wish they'd be called ‘Memory Killers’,
As I now either eat waffles alone;
Or, what is even more pathetic,

We are the undergraduates of everyday,
From the first morning yawn
To the time we merge the freeway;
From the moment we harvest a lesson

There is a mild breeze inside
That wants to be a hurricane.
But I try to weather it. By sheer
Force of will, I contain it within

There is a strange kind of void inside
That I am filling with void
Every time I restrict myself to be human,
Or to be the vulnerable kind.

It seems two opposite lonely poles of the Earth,
With their magnetic force, drew us away from each other,
Creating an ocean of tears in between us,
And a painful desert that thirsts for mercy.

Not far, nirvana, nations without guns and diseases,
Where men speak only the language of the heart;
Euphoria, a dream away, rising on the horizon
To harmonize the surroundings in symmetry.

I do not think that physicists discussing
The plausibility of time travel will be surprised,
If one day, their descendants knock on their door;

I, like everyone else,
Do not have a vivid recollection
Of my physical disconnection from mom.
I snuck in this world of loans & utility bills


Soon we will gather our flesh in pitch-dark rooms,
And productivity of a hard day's work will pause.
Smoke is already fogging my vision; And fumes,
Clogging my lungs. Desire burns in cold shadows.

I yearn to find the silence to hear, and
Listen to the story that nature speaks of,
Praying for patient attention,
Not for mere talent, to create masterpieces.


The orphan's million and one anxieties
All disappeared when I held his hand,
When I rose above myself, and
Let my ears be extra sympathetic than needed.

Some are born to eat fire. Others, to juggle knives.
I was born not just to be amused by them
For that will be like my own early death.
My purpose is to have a purpose, not to be wasted.


If I wait for the perfect weather,
I will not get close to my destination.
Like a bird, I may be safe in a cage, but
That is not what a bird is bound to do.

It is not derived from books alone.
Knowledge comes and goes, piles up the facts.
I yearn for simplification, for what lingers on.

In this crisis, there is a sense of urgency,
And usefulness to others given with no regret
Nor a thought of recompense.
I have seen the need, and overlooked the cause -

I am standing on the gutter,
But looking at the stars.
They truly come out shining
When it gets darkest, threatening.

Child, the darkness disguises many things
With its tricky illusion painting the air.
Meditators find peace easier
With their less distracted eyes.

I used to think that once you have been terrified
By a ghost, its next apparition will be less scary;
But memory can be haunting, making the past
Return in moments you least expect,

I have never seen any clothing more magical
Than your red and black checkered print;
One of the great-grand ancestors epitomized
By a star-crossed lover into this figurine

Je'free Y . Biography

Je'free is a poet, an artist, and a visionary who is passionate in inspiring readers to become better people via poetry. Youtube Channel: JefreeJefree Other Poetry Link:

The Best Poem Of Je'free Y .

Waiting Room

The abode of tears:
Tears of joy and tears of sadness.
The house of traceable stressed contours,
And relieved smiles on faces.
The temporary prison
Of the pessimistic and the optimistic.
The dwelling place of controlled fear,
And uncontrolled pounding of the temples.

The gray area in dire need
Of a verdict in black and white.
The realm of flotation
Yearning for a solid ground.
The space of the longest hours,
And the most confusing moments.
The residence of hunger for an answer,
For truth or for any information.

The limbo of intense prayers,
Of divine interventions.
The chamber of hesitant visitations,
And hurried exits.
The true testing ground
Of faith, hope and love.
The factory of a hero, a martyr,
The patient one.

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