Kinyua Karanja

Kinyua Karanja Poems

I was truly a convict
Declared guilty of sin by verdict
Of the most highest just juror
I was a life time wrongdoer

Hey! You! Young man, look
Show some respect to your colleagues,
They too need the service,
Don’t just come and overtake the queues,

For me I will do the best
Even if it means to fast,
Christ's love to be my quest,
To refrain from vengeance test

I was in shackles of loneliness,
Bounds by bars of solitude,
Tethered around solitude and loneliness,
Doomed by low esteem and attitude.

I messed with the wrong guy
And from that I learnt my lesson,
I got knowledge I couldn’t buy.
We quarreled and my anger turned on

Let no melancholia rob your joy
For life a thing to play a toy
Aging do lure like decoy
Resist remorse as aging a deity fiat

I think everybody would admit
Though not in public nor to anyone
Of few secrets things we commit
These things varies to each one

Having wandered in the wildness for years
The Lord has now seen my desperate tears
By supplications and pleas I touched His ears
He has now eliminated my anxiety and Fears

A true story I overheard
From one of local song band
Of an infamous ex foreman
A man of a corrupt reputation

Vanity, it's all vanity, chasing the wind
Many academic degrees and honorary
If in Godly standards you live contrary
Immeasurable power and strength

A reckless and rude humorous anecdote
Injected in serious conversation or debate
With an only goal of stimulating a laughter
Always turn sour, inducing guilt thereafter

She used to be ebony and beautiful
Her true African skin tone was wonderful
We teased her and she could openly laugh
To this God given adaptation making us tough

Bad days are over
Unsteady times are gone
Still we stand and stronger
It's time we move on

What they see and say
Has nothing to on my way
I will keep on going
For I know what I'm doing

Fearsome face of death
Entertain no man under the sun.
Figures of dead and death
Leaves every heart and mind


I found myself entangled
In a real Natural Beauty.
The wonderful flowerbed
Had mysterious charming magic

Loyalty in whole prices
Is being true than ever before
To a loved one in war and crisis,
Sticking close than ever before,

At one time in our life we have: -
Sailed deep sea and shallow channels
Fought deadly wars and rode peace
Tasted good times and grieved bad days

Change is unstoppable hell
Rebellious bully of it's own kind
Disobedient to whistle and bell
It's like a magical whirl wind

The secret to life and death
Is beyond mortal men of Earth
For life on it's own is hell
Neither the death a thing to tell

The Best Poem Of Kinyua Karanja

A Convict

I was truly a convict
Declared guilty of sin by verdict
Of the most highest just juror
I was a life time wrongdoer
I deserved death penalty.
Heavily laden with guilty
A friend saw my distress
Being compassionate of my stress
Set out to help
When he heard my yelp
Leaving his noble life in heaven
He was born among men
I did all the mistakes
For him blame to takes
In world court of laws
Jury raised its jaws
He bore all the shame
And took all the blame
That was mine alone
He was a sacrificial lamb, one
Without blemish or defects
For my sins to clear and protects
Me from death and hell
He died painfully on the cross as well
But hell couldn’t hold him still
Nor the chain counters his will
To cleanse all our sins
In all, in everything he wins
That was the cost paid
Everything is done he said
As a new relationship was laid
Between human kind and God.

Kinyua Karanja Comments

Fabrizio Frosini 21 July 2015

after having read and enjoyed almost all of your 26 poems, I feel I have to say THANK YOU FOR SHARING your well penned, interesting poetry, Kinyua. And.. it's a ''LIKE'' greetings from Italy

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Kinyua Karanja Quotes

Truth is something that hurts especially when it's against you.You wish if it were a lie.

I would rather know the truth and get hurt than live in lie

Optimism is very good for your life but over optimism is dangerous for your health when it fails.

Show me a person of flattery tongue, a man of adulation words and I will show you an insincere, selfish and hypocrite character.

Being rude is like exposing your nude, Being polite is right, Choose light and live right.

Life challenges allow you to distinguish real friends from fake followers but, I would rather live without problems and not knowing my real friends.

An egoistic politician is dangerous to himself and all those around him, he is like a suicide bomber who want everybody to go down with him.

Lie may live to an old age, but truth is immortal.

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