Good health bears a good mind
good mind bears a good character
good character bears a humble person
filled with love, peace and passion
to rejuvenate an ideal philosohy.
Good health means free from disease
a person with neutral thought can have only
the person is not accused of being cheater
opportunist, self centered or malafide
the person is so like omnipotent
with prolific mind for all creativity.
God health is the secret of good mind. Very truly expressed everything in this poem. Excellent work.
Nice piece of work. Thanks for sharing this poem with us. E.K.L.
With my own experience good health in younger years is the key to good health in retirement and its not easy plenty of exercise and green food in your tummy is no magic...loved your poem ramesh...regards
Sound mind in a sound body the saying goes. Health is important to nurture creativity. Beautifully said.
Please get your English writing checked by some reputed English literature professor... This poem is full of grammatical errors and English sentence formation.
good health also bears good imaginations.........which clearly reflected in your poem.......greatly enjoyed it.
good health also bears good imaginations.........which clearly reflected in your poem.......greatly enjoyed it.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
A thoughtful poem, I have read somewhere those responsible for world wars were not sexually healthy.