This I asked a learned scholar.
“Sir, how can I rise to Honor”.
And such was the master’s reply
“To rise up, live, love, fight, then die”.
“To live you must be living right
No different in the dark than light.
And though life’s path be full of pain
It’s through that path that Honor’s gained”.
“If you are to love you must see
First to that which all others need.
Second you must lay down your pride,
For love cannot live where it abides”.
“You must fight forever through your strife.
You must fight for love, fight for life.
You must fight for your lady’s hand
And fight to save your fatherland”.
“All living things, in turn, must die.
At death you either stand or fly
It’s how you meet the coming night
That proves your worth in Honor’s sight”.
“Now that I’ve shown you Honor’s way
Keep to its path and do not stray.
Heed the words of this meek scholar
This is how you rise to Honor”.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Remain an insightful philosophical rendition, well articulated and elegantly brought forth in beautiful rhyme scheme with conviction. A witty creation indeed. Thanks for sharing.