My crush is everything but mine.
Every time I see him in the halls my heart just starts to rush,
whoever said blacks could not blush?
Sometimes I doubt he even knows I'm alive.
Don't pay any mind, My friends ask 'Why am I crazy for him'?
Damn, I mean he just passes you by!
Pass by me and not say hi?
Um I have no idea why I'm falling for this guy.
**1st time writer please comment**
very tuthful writting. 'whoever said black cant blush' lol i feel this line personaly.
I had a crush on this one guy for about 3 years during high school, and never let it show. after a while it gets to you. I think you should let him kno how u feel. He might like u 2. thats how mines ended & started! Great poem
I was wondering why the pen was I know. Well, you are a very deep and sincere person.......that is what I feel. arya
its such a nice poem, Sophonie you should never give up for someone, you think about him all the time, even if he does not say a single word to you maybe he feels the same thing as you do, you better tell him, let him know, thanks for a poem its cool
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
the writer was a porch monkey, black cant blush, youre right but monkeys can