Nowhere Man Poem by Allan James Saywell

Nowhere Man

Rating: 4.3

Many, many years ago
He was cast out on his own
Freedom come, freedom go
Nowhere to lay his head
No place for him to know
He walked all day
He walked all night
Till he felt a morning glow
His pockets peeled out
Like ears of corn
But he knew he could kiss the sun
Feel as pure as a Nun
Freedom always has a price
Nobody knew, nobody cared
Whether he had a nickle or a dime
Nobody knew his name

Lyn Paul 02 April 2015

His pockets peeled out Like ears of corn .. I see this too. When you pass these people. they just do not see you. Too Many homeless in Aust., well everywhere. Have seen some great stories of change in my local area.

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Frank James Ryan Jr...fjr 13 February 2015

Allan, You mean they actually allowed one of your poems to stay here for 5 yrs.? LoL! Whats up with you, 'ole friend? Solid Write~FjR~

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Frank James Ryan Jr...fjr 13 February 2015

Allan, how's it be goin' ole' buddy? ! They actually left a poem of yours here? LoL! gOOD sTUFF! ~fJr~

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Joseph Juarez 21 August 2011

idk why but this poem makes me think of veterans who fought for this country and then thrown out by society with out a care in the world. i love this poem

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