Say My Name Poem by Heather Hill

Say My Name

Rating: 1.5

when the world is tough and

its cold outside just hang on
you can pull through all you

have to do is say my name

and i will be there
there by your side
holding on to you
just hang on all you have to

do is say my name
and i will be there

cause i know you would do

the same for me
when your alone and

feeling down all you have to

is say my name

I will run to you
I would walk around this

world just to get to you
all you have to do is say my

i would do anything for you
i would walk in the pouring

rain just to get to you
if your scared or you need

someone to talk to i will be

there all you have to do is

say my name

when your depressed don't

hesitate to pick up the phone

and call me
just say my name and i will

be there just to let you know

i care

I would give up my life just to be with you
when you need me don't hesitate to say my name
cause i will be there in a single heartbeat cause theres no where id rather be then to be with you
so if you need me just say my name and i will be there
when your world is cold i will be there to make it warm again just say my name and i will be there
cause theres no where id rather be than to be with you
dont hesitate to say i love you


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