Bondage poems from famous poets and best beautiful poems to feel good. Best bondage poems ever written. Read all poems about bondage.
FROM off a hill whose concave womb reworded
A plaintful story from a sistering vale,
My spirits to attend this double voice accorded,
And down I laid to list the sad-tuned tale;
Ere long espied a fickle maid full pale,
Tearing of papers, breaking rings a-twain,
Storming her world with sorrow's wind and rain.
She is as in a field a silken tent
At midday when the sunny summer breeze
Has dried the dew and all its ropes relent,
So that in guys it gently sways at ease,
A little while, a little while,
The weary task is put away,
And I can sing and I can smile,
Alike, while I have holiday.
Where are your monuments, your battles, martyrs?
Where is your tribal memory? Sirs,
in that gray vault. The sea. The sea
has locked them up. The sea is History.
Thou hast made me endless, such is thy pleasure. This frail vessel thou emptiest again and again, and fillest it ever with fresh life.
Earth raised up her head
From the darkness dread and drear,
Her light fled,
This institution,
perhaps one should say enterprise
out of respect for which
one says one need not change one's mind
My fancies are fireflies, —
Specks of living light
twinkling in the dark.
A hush is over all the teeming lists,
And there is pause, a breath-space in the strife;
A spirit brave has passed beyond the mists
And vapors that obscure the sun of life.
I am happy to return to Stone Age
Old intolerance ghost is out of cage
Hatred and violence continue to creates rage
Nothing can be written on simple page
Of Man's first disobedience, and the fruit
Of that forbidden tree whose mortal taste
Brought death into the World, and all our woe,
With loss of Eden, till one greater Man
Yet at the last, ere our spearmen had found him,
Yet at the last, ere a sword-thrust could save,
Yet at the last, with his masters around him,
He spoke of the Faith as a master to slave.
Take up the White man's burden --
Send forth the best ye breed --
Go bind your sons to exile
To serve your captives' need;
Euclid alone has looked on Beauty bare.
Let all who prate of Beauty hold their peace,
And lay them prone upon the earth and cease
To ponder on themselves, the while they stare
To make a glass cup
It takes few minutes,
But to break it up,
It takes split seconds.
There are who lord it o'er their fellow-men
With most prevailing tinsel: who unpen
Their baaing vanities, to browse away
The comfortable green and juicy hay
Freedom from hunger and freedom from pain
freedom from loss and so freedom from gain.
Freedom to give and freedom to share
freedom from want and that of despair.
O hush, sweet birds, that linger in lonely song!
Hold in your evening fragrance, wet May--bloom!
I prefer isolation and dark,
No disturbance from dog’s bark,
Easy escape from assassin’s mark,
No problem for vehicle’s park,
I would be wandering in distant fields
Where man, and bird, and beast, lives leisurely,
And the old earth is kind, and ever yields
Her goodly gifts to all her children free;
Marriage—If you find yourself in bondage to a spouse; in bondage to a church; in bondage to a nation; or anything unsavory, for that matter; and of which you feel obliged to subject yourself to incessantly; then it is a clear sign you didn't, and still do not, commit yourself to GOD; or someone else does not or didn't: because you would, at least, have found spiritual or mental liberation from such, if not physical as well: that is, if you would have committed yourself (or be committed) to GOD. Ecclesiastes 7: 26 proves this, and declares it. GOD gives us the wisdom of freedom, if we submit to or follow his will. I feel no guilt for not attending any modern-day churches. I feel no guilt that I am not married to any of these present-day, trifling women. I feel no guilt that I am not a chauvinistic or die-hard supporter of the United States Government/Corporation. I'm always free; and, therefore, you see the freedom within me always filled in my works. GOD gives me the wisdom of Freedom. I am the Wisdom of Freedom manifested. And that is why I have never fallen, and never have fallen into the hands of the Enemy. I am inwardly rich, and in my mind I am a king. GOD determines my mind, and I determine my destiny: because GOD and I are one. If you find yourself financially poor, though you've done many a good work, using sufficient or godly wisdom, it's a clear sign your government or society is corrupt; not you. Joshua Turner, a great man, a few years younger than me, has done many great works, and has not received the true justice or remuneration he deserves for his good deeds. Since every good and perfect gift comes from Above, he deserves everything good we can conceive or know; likewise his brothers, and my brother and brothers, and mother, etc., also. That's certainly a me-too truth, too.—Earl Thomas the Third (III) , is a living legend, and heroical in the field or area of freedom.—It is only through my teachings, and my plans, that the world can and truly will experience world peace.—I pray this message blesses you. Have a pleasantly delightful day. Peace and Love! - Joshua Aaron Guillory
(October 27,2023,6: 21 P.M.)
What is this bondage?
Why is this bondage?
I ask myself
Again and again,
Flee from all of your habitual sins and turn your life over to Jesus Christ for not everyone who says Lord Lord will enter into the Kingdom of heaven. But only those who do the will of my Father Who is in heaven. And on that judgement day Jesus Christ will Say 'Depart from me all of you who do inequity for I never knew You.' And they shall be cast into eternal darkness and torment!
Therefore, do not be amongst those who rely upon their good Deeds done in the Lord's name. Thinking that their good works Alone will gain their access into his Father's heavenly kingdom! 'For by grace are you saved and not by works least any man or Any woman should boast.' And do not count yourself amongst the
The followers of the so-called prosperity gospel! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Love and Bondage
Love without limit,
Love without Juice of wisdom,
Circle of Life
Aquarium to Aquarium,
From Aviary to Aviary,
Thirty six years of freedom
From bondage to bondage?
Three decades and six
Upon awakening
you clearly realize
that all of the time,
you spent in the process
Writing a poem is not about bringing some words together to create some charming sentences. It's so much deeper than that. Writing poetry is a bridge that allows people to express their feelings and make others live every single word they read. Poetry is to educate people, to lead them away from hate to love, from violence to mercy and pity. Writing poetry is to help this community better understand life and live it more passionately. contains an enormous number of famous poems from all over the world, by both classical and modern poets. You can read as many as you want, and also submit your own poems to share your writings with all our poets, members, and visitors.