Voices poems from famous poets and best beautiful poems to feel good. Best voices poems ever written. Read all poems about voices.
One Christmas was so much like another, in those years around the sea-town corner now and out of all sound except the distant speaking of the voices I sometimes hear a moment before sleep, that I can never remember whether it snowed for six days and six nights when I was twelve or whether it snowed for twelve days and twelve nights when I was six.
Abortions will not let you forget.
You remember the children you got that you did not get,
The damp small pulps with a little or with no hair,
The singers and workers that never handled the air.
"Come, pretty birds, present your lays,
And learn to chaunt a goddess praise;
Ye wood-nymphs, let your voices be
Employ'd to serve her deity:
Walking through a field with my little brother Seth
I pointed to a place where kids had made angels in the snow.
For some reason, I told him that a troop of angels
When I bring to you colored toys, my child,
I understand why there is such a play of colors on clouds, on water,
and why flowers are painted in tints
- -when I give colored toys to you, my child.
An odor has remained among the sugarcane:
a mixture of blood and body, a penetrating
petal that brings nausea.
Between the coconut palms the graves are full
Music, when soft voices die,
Vibrates in the memory;
Odours, when sweet violets sicken,
Live within the sense they quicken.
Rise, brothers, rise; the wakening skies pray to the morning light,
The wind lies asleep in the arms of the dawn like a child that has cried all night.
Come, let us gather our nets from the shore and set our catamarans free,
To capture the leaping wealth of the tide, for we are the kings of the sea!
Pelican blues, jay walking on velvet souls
Somber and detach, mayhem
Pickering the night of pre dawn
The choir of your anger, screaming
He would declare and could himself believe
That the birds there in all the garden round
From having heard the daylong voice of Eve
Had added to their own an oversound,
Waking in the night;
the lamp is low,
the oil freezing.
When I found the door
I found the vine leaves
speaking among themselves in abundant
To Peace (Shakespearan Sonnet)
O Peace! For ages haven't we invoked
Your grace by chanting your name ceaselessly?
Leafy-with-love banks and the green waters of the canal
Pouring redemption for me, that I do
The will of God, wallow in the habitual, the banal,
Grow with nature again as before I grew.
When voices of children are heard on the green
And laughing is heard on the hill,
My heart is at rest within my breast
And everything else is still
We are thine, O Love, being in thee and made of thee,
As théou, Léove, were the déep thought
And we the speech of the thought; yea, spoken are we,
Thy fires of thought out-spoken:
As the dim twilight shrouds
The mountain's purple crest,
And Summer's white and folded clouds
All are not taken; there are left behind
Living Belovèds, tender looks to bring
And make the daylight still a happy thing,
And tender voices, to make soft the wind:
Mens Voices:
LORD of the lotus, lord of the harvest,
Bright and munificent lord of the morn!
Long long I lay in the sands
Sounds of trains in the surf
in subways of the sea
I hear voices. I've heard them often. I've heard them since childhood. They come to me unexpectedly, all shapeless, soft persistences. They pierce and disptract my study, hover. above my pillow as I sleep. These voices, they tell me I don't belong,
they say wrong things about me, telling me I'm different.
I hear them constantly, these voices, all noise and innuendo and double entendre following me into life.
We're all born with a conscience and wherever we go in life
our conscience comes along.
It's that voice inside our head that lets us know
If what we're doing is right…or if it's wrong.
Darkness settles in the corners of my mind,
A cacophony of voices, yelling, screaming, crying,
You say I'm strong.Here's a piece of my life's timeline, Only because you'll never see When I fall apart.This heart may be shattered but it was together. Soft edges hardened In such a short time! You call that strength? You don't see me cry at words you say.Not knowing what they mean.You call this strength - I don't rely on words from others.To keep me safe.Words don't mean anything.I have a backbone.I wipe the fog from the mirror, As steam covers my face Leaving me speechless knowing my mistakes, Breaking down as the doors locked music loud to drown the voices in my head, Nobody has to see.Driving myself crazier than words can speak. My shadows, I keep hidden from the light.These walls of steel and concrete Make me incomplete many miles on sore feet. A barrier it takes time to break.Life storyline will always chase me.I don't fear the dark it's what's in.Do you have strength to match me, No one has hpatience for me. Not to worried about the voices in my head my personality depends on what you do not what you think.Here I set in my on saluted so I might not hurt someone. Battles so loud uncontrollable swarming in my head, one says hide yourself the other won't place nice with others, Oh no Stella don't start shining right now. Theres enough crazy happening, I replied darn it voices you know what button's to push.Now go on hide somewhere be very quiet. Hell is coming and I am to
Fantastic voyage. Fantastic voyage. Mirable visions, pretty voices. Keeping the void inside. No word, no cry. Crowded roads, it is the sky, it is the sky, it is the Universe, all above and around. Pretty voices, pretty voices, fantastic voyage, all in a time of a glimpse of light.
Voices whispering to know not where
Voices whispering know that they're there
Voices in the still of the night
Voices when the room is still bright
A voice at the sun, two voices at the sun, three voices at the sun. Innumerable voices in choir at the sun. Heilà heilà heilà heilà. Beauty, a cluster of hands, din don. Anger, fly away. Anger, go away. Be a point of nothing away. Echo of the clearness, echo of help wins for multiple voices. Stay near the light of regrets. Heilà, heilà, heilà, heilà.
I wish the voices were different
The good from the bad
I wish they were separated
There are many voices
Not all good
Voices of evil
Voices misunderstood
I was once taught it was crazy (at least that's what my Psychology professor said) for a person…any person…to hear voices in their head.
I understand the lesson my psychology professor was conveying…but I also know it all depends on what those voices might be saying.
Writing a poem is not about bringing some words together to create some charming sentences. It's so much deeper than that. Writing poetry is a bridge that allows people to express their feelings and make others live every single word they read. Poetry is to educate people, to lead them away from hate to love, from violence to mercy and pity. Writing poetry is to help this community better understand life and live it more passionately. PoemHunter.com contains an enormous number of famous poems from all over the world, by both classical and modern poets. You can read as many as you want, and also submit your own poems to share your writings with all our poets, members, and visitors.