Climb on dear friend, reach for that hold
Move past the signs of failing strength.
Now grip tight that cutting fold-
One move up the rocky length.
This I asked a learned scholar.
“Sir, how can I rise to Honor”.
And such was the master’s reply
“To rise up, live, love, fight, then die”.
From the beds where the angels keep
Their watch throughout eternity
Upon the world where mortals sleep
The first snowflake falls so gently.
Peace on Earth? They have that here:
The wreaths, the lights, the gifts, the cheer.
Good will towards man I see as well
It looks the same, as I can tell
Lazy sunset, lonly train.
Surrounded, but alone in mind.
City scapes and wild planes
And mountains cause the tracks to wind
Oh baby, I'm asking the question, Why?
Oh baby, where does that heart of yours lie?
It seems like I'm missing the answers you're givin'
It seems like I'm caught in the webs you've been spinning...
Dear daughter,
Some folks out there may try tell you "no"
Might say "sit still". Might not let you show
The world or all the rest of time
I wish you could have seen what I have seen,
For us to've walked there hand in hand, by each
And every street and window in between
To gaze at objects just beyond our reach.
Some times I find myself just...
Sitting here and listening
Writting down and singing hymns.
The ocean is the bound of the finite and the beginning of the infinite. Oh, man has, for the span of a few milinia, been free upon the waves, but not always so.
Imagine the wonder bestowed upon the first sapian to stumble upon the shore, spear in hand, and gaze into what must have seemed the void.
A hug and some kisses
Fulfill all your wishes,
Oh if time would just move much more slow
But better than nothing
We are born again through fire
We live, at once, through strife.
Through tumult you can here aspire
To forge the pathway of your life.
A single pane of glass divides
Myself from falling snow outside.
The first of many falling snows
That these white winter skies will know.
I dreamt of you last night again
A boon unto my sorrows bore
With brief relief and ease of pain
As I held you closer than before.
What a tease our lives can be
To promise joy so frequently
Then so oft to take away
And give, instead, a rainy day.
(opening voice over)
'The soldier, above all other people, prays for peace, for he must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war' (GEN MACARTHUR)
Hey there, MF, have you ever had a dream?
A faint impression stayed
A memory fell away
The mood, I felt, had changed
Like the dying of a day.
Her wet hair feels cool on my skin
As she came fresh from the shower.
She lies near me and rest begins.
Inspiration spurs a beauty
As blue as a pale ghost.
Haunting, Inspiration moves me,
Its far from worthy host.
Well I've reached a milestone,100 poems. I don't know if poets keep stats like athletes do. They might, but only count the good ones. If that's the case, I'm probably still a few shy of that mark. It doesn't really matter, mostly because nobody gets poetry like they used to. I've just found that, in looking back over the process, this is as good as time as any to complie the lot of it for consumption. Maybe I think that my writing, and most likely only my writing, has matured by this point. The unfortunate reader now may be able to observe and appreciate the artistic growth. Maybe I just like round numbers, and 100 is such a nice one. Whatever the reason, here and now I have chosen to lay bare 100 pieces of my soul, mind, heart, feelings, viscera, kidnies, knee caps, biceps, back hair, or what ever part it is of the human beeing that poetry actually comes from. I don't think any one actually knows... I have absolutely no idea how this will be received. This litterary hodgepodge has no clear structure, though you might be able to identify numerous forms and voices. It has no particular message, though you might be able to lay your finger on several underlying themes. The populace generally sees tragedy where I see comedy, and vice versa. Additionally, the range of topics that I have looked at, couppled with the myirad of styles that I have emulated might confuse or even overwhelm anyone not used to dealing with me on a daily basis. I mentioned earlier that this all was part of artistic growth for me. The first of these so called poems was written while I was in highschool cerca 2005. The most recent was written a few days ago. Now, if I were a mathmation instead of a poet, I just might be able to tell you exactly how many years I've been writing. But alas, we all have our gifts and mine is certainly not numbers. Be forwarned that, after reading this book, you may come to the conclusion that poetry isn't my gift either. Maybe by the time I hit 200 poems, good or otherwise, things might have sorted themselves out. I'm not going to tell you which poem was the first, or the last. I'm not going to put them in anything but alphabetical order. I want you to decide which ones you like and which ones you don't; all with the least possible amount of bias imposed on your experience. After all, if you get nothing out of what you're about to read, you can at least come away knowing that it was entirely your choice to do so. Well, without further ado, in sickness and in health, in peace and in war, in grace and in sin, in sacrifice and in pleantly I present to you my first work of collected verse, titled... What, You've Got Nothing Better To do? P.S. If you think something in here has to do with you, you might want to get over yourself, but you are entitled to your own opinion)
Rock Climbing
Climb on dear friend, reach for that hold
Move past the signs of failing strength.
Now grip tight that cutting fold-
One move up the rocky length.
Tight clutching firm and breathing hard,
One step closer to the end,
Your mind firm set on pulling through.
Drive on, drive on my dearest friend,
Ignore the pain of fingers scarred
Climb up the rock to conquer you