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‘Twisted Metal’s’ original endings revealed

The point became moot when the title garnered a Mature rating.

sweet tooth
sweet tooth
sweet tooth

David Jaffe, Twisted Metal’s producer, released videos revealing the evolution of Sweet Tooth’s ending from hopeful to demonic.

David Jaffe, producer of the PlayStation 3’s Twisted Metal, released videos on his blog revealing the evolution of the ending for Sweet Tooth, the franchise’s serial killer clown.

Twisted Metal was originally slated for a Teen rating, which presented Jaffe with a challenge to rein in the historically gory franchise. The original ending, which Jaffe made in iMovie, reveals a story arc that ends with a glimmer of hope for the homicidal clown.

The point became moot when the title garnered a Mature rating, as the change allowed Jaffe to unleash a far darker conclusion that traded hope for homicide.

Jaffe, who also produced God of War, left Sony earlier this year after finishing Twisted Metal. His next project is a browser-based, free-to-play third-person shooter.

You can watch Sweet Tooth’s original ending in Twisted Metal — which Jaffe characterized as the last Twisted Metal game “at least for a very, very long time” — below.